Search results for query: *

  1. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other What's your favorite color?

    Hmmmm, I like maroon and azure blue
  2. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Post a fact about yourself.

    I am so flexible that when I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for some years I earned the nickname "Gumby" at my gym because I could weasel out of submissions that would otherwise break people and keep the fight going.
  3. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other do you ever get mistaken for another age?

    Aight so I'm 20. But if I grow my beard out, people think I'm older. Meanwhile if I shave, suddenly that age boost I get is entirely overshadowed by my voice and people think I'm like, 16.
  4. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    Because I enjoy the idea of "Vlad the Inhaler"
  5. Sir Swigglesworth

    Tech I require assistance

    Aaaaaaaaand there we go. God, I feel like a dumbass. Thanks Lex haha
  6. Sir Swigglesworth

    Tech I require assistance

    I think this is something simple but I can't for the life of my figure out what exactly I did. I was editing my old partner search post to give the baby a revival and I'm pretty sure I hit a certain key but suddenly my letters began highlighting themselves as I typed. So as I typed, the...
  7. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other So You Think You Can Pun?

    Man, y'all got some puns eh? I'd love to make some but a lot of the time my ideas are like the ocean, that shit just comes in waves.
  8. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Post Fun Facts About Yourself

    1: I used to be obese and terribly self degrading with bad social skills. 2: I actually can't really eat overly processed food or food that's hella greasy. As much as I'd love to dive into a bucket of KFC and just bob my head in there and come out with a drumstick in my mouth while gargling the...
  9. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Favorite heartbreaking quotes, RP or Fandom?

    Ho hoooo...I understand entirely. I once split up a six page long google doc into multiple discord posts. Sometimes even longer...
  10. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Favorite heartbreaking quotes, RP or Fandom?

    I mean, it's not hard to just split a post up XD
  11. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Favorite heartbreaking quotes, RP or Fandom?

    I got a pretty solid one from an rp I used to be active in a loooong time ago. It's based in a very dark, apocalyptic themed rp that I was a part of on discord and this is my characters response to being asked why he put himself at risk for the sake of others time and time again, even if he...
  12. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Whats your Fav Non human species or character?

    NGL, most of the species I favor are things I've created myself. If we're talking established lore and species from multiple universes then Sangheili are my number 1. I loved the halo games, loved halo rp, and the lore behind it all is very intriguing and great to read. Hell, I even had a Halo...
  13. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Question of the day: If you were arresated, what would your friends assume it was for?

    Immediately they would think I finally lost my patience and snapped on somebody.
  14. Sir Swigglesworth

    Tech How I got kicked off the school computers

    Meanwhile I got the memz virus onto every computer in my schools library computer network So rip....
  15. Sir Swigglesworth

    Science Your personality

    Personality eh? Overall I'd say I'm a pretty enthusiastic person who's not hard to get along with if you can get past my crude humor. Just don't get on my bad side or get offended over the little things I say. I know I can abrasive and I don't mind whatsoever, it just seems I have a knack for...
  16. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other What are your passions/hobbies? Besides roleplaying of course!

    Hobbies: Well I'm a pretty good cook and do it just about every night for two reasons. One I like food. Two, I like having control over my own diet. And three, I just like cooking. Parkour, it's fun and I enjoy the adrenaline that pumps through my veins when I start doing the more risky feats...
  17. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Gaming Preference

    PC mostly, but if I wanna change it up and mess around I'll use console.
  18. Sir Swigglesworth

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Unturned: 1759 hours Don't ask, it's fun, that's all I gotta say XD
  19. Sir Swigglesworth

    Food [Abandoned] Random recipes!

    Practice does indeed make perfect, I didn't always have success in what I decided to make. Hell, I still mess up new recipes sometimes but I have others I know by heart and make them with no troubles. And hey since we're the same age just about, that makes things all the more relatable.
  20. Sir Swigglesworth

    Food [Abandoned] Random recipes!

    I'm 17 now and have been cooking for about 10 years. At first it was just me helping in the kitchen and learning as I helped. When I got older I started cooking by myself but followed recipes by the letter. But now as I've aged even more and cook all the time, I just do it by hand with how it...