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  1. Qazi

    Other Random question of the day

    Tons. Duke Nukem Forever pretty much killed Duke Nukem. Same goes for Blood 2. (The new Cultic is a good game for OG Blood fans.) I'm sure there are several other instances of films and TV-shows killing a long-running series.
  2. Qazi

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    There is a shortage of that these days, as far as I can see. I'd take good writing over anything else.
  3. Qazi

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Sometimes I think they add to the humor. Nevertheless, I agree. It is a simply courtesy. I don't see the point in refusing it, since it does not take much time or effort.
  4. Qazi

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    There has definitely been a lot of appreciation for the much-maligned Prequels lately, especially after the release of the last Sequel film, which seems to have disappointed a lot of people.
  5. Qazi

    Other Song Writing Help??

    It's pretty legit if you ask me. I usually upload on Soundcloud but beware: I hardly ever get a single view. But still. Hobbies are hobbies. Here's one of my better songs:
  6. Qazi

    Other Song Writing Help??

    That's fo sho. Now, I'd make parodies myself, though I lack in comedic integrity (hull integrity at 0%), but my voice is pathetique to say the least. Besides, I am an extraordinary flunk in music.
  7. Qazi

    Other Song Writing Help??

    Highly interesting, but mostly so because I'm often like, training how? Sometimes I wonder if strokes of random luck are all what keeps me from ground bottom. Then again, I technical am at ground bottom. Music is a highly suspect trade, if you ask me. Don't mind my asking but do you upload any...
  8. Qazi

    Other Song Writing Help??

    Small beginnings but I'm sure it'll work out! Especially if you've got people supporting you on your ventures. Another little question: do you have any formal training or did you pick it up by yourself?
  9. Qazi

    Other Song Writing Help??

    I tend to play a variety myself though I don't think I've ever explicitly written anything country—maybe folk. I always lean a bit towards jazz, blues, noise, rock and, so and so, metal. Even though I suck at it. Major sucking, if you will, like off the wall. What's the venue gonna be like? Is...
  10. Qazi

    Other Song Writing Help??

    Nothing much, though I'll admit I'm a bit addicted to the pentatonic scales. They sound bizarrely good, you know! Great if you're jamming or improvising on the fly. Also, pedals, man, loads of pedals: tremolo, phasers, distortion, flangers, reverb etc. Won't lie. I'm pretty into all that...
  11. Qazi

    Other Friends

  12. Qazi

    Other weird stuff you believed/did as a kid

    There was this foot massage thing back at our old home. It had blood circulation written on it—dunno why. Young me was curious. He said, to his brothah, Wazzat s'posed tae be, mon? This brothah is quite amused by his curiosity. He told him that it was a thing that drew out blood. Young me...
  13. Qazi

    Other How often do you create new characters?

    A whole lotta, all the time, hordes of em.
  14. Qazi

    Other Which way do you write the letter x?

    8, dude. . .
  15. Qazi

    Other Tea is OBJECTIVELY better than coffee: Change My Mind.

    I would have tried to change your mind if not for the fact that I only seem to have tea at my disposal at any given moment.
  16. Qazi

    Other Any other kitty or cake fans out there?

    Can't help but agree with that sentiment. Chocolate all the way indeed.
  17. Qazi

    Other Would you date yourself?

    Unfortunately, I'm no narcissus.