Search results for query: *

  1. Necromantic

    Other What did you think about RPNation when you first joined it?

    i couldnt stand rpn when i joined lol id only joined as per a former friend's request, because he was in a roleplay that needed two more people. before then, i was roleplaying on ff.n, which was completely different from how rpn functioned, and i didnt understand how this site functioned. i...
  2. Necromantic

    Other Most Painful Character death

    uhmmm all of the deaths in the conquest route in Hyperdimension Neptunia 2 fucked me up. that was some shit that didnt belong in a lighthearted game about moe anime girl gaming consoles. also rewatching Mami's death in the Madoka Magica movies, because of the fact that they added that...
  3. Necromantic

    Other Are you left-handed, right-handed, ambidextrous, or cross-hand dominant?

    i love coraline, though but looking into those cold, dead eyes on a girly doll? all i feel is dread
  4. Necromantic

    Other Are you left-handed, right-handed, ambidextrous, or cross-hand dominant?

    uhm i think i count as cross hand? theres some fucking mixed debate in the house about whether i was born right handed or left handed and forced myself to write right handed so i have no fucking clue which one i use naturally its no help that my mom has memory loss and split fucking...
  5. Necromantic

    Other whats the best anime you've ever watched?

    magical girl raising project i love watching cute girls fucking slaughter each other
  6. Necromantic

    Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

    im not religious. ive never been religious. but i think i need jesus after reading what you just wrote. alrighty, so i think the worst pain ive been in was when i got a tooth pulled when i was like, maybe 11? 12? anyway, im kind of high strung and jumpy on a good day, as i have a bit of a...
  7. Necromantic

    Other Post Fun Facts About Yourself

    im hydrophobic, but i can go in the ocean no problem. despite adoring romantic manga, otome games, and romantic comedies, im repulsed by the thought of dating. i like the idea of dating, but not the act. im mistaken for my mothers youngest child... when im her first born. i went through a...
  8. Necromantic

    Other How often do you create new characters?

    i like to reuse characters that i came to like in a roleplay or never actually got to use, but i also enjoy making new characters if i dont feel like tweaking an old one. depends on the situation, tbh.
  9. Necromantic

    Food *sslllluuUUURRRPPPP* What's your favorite Tea?

    peppermint tea is great with some milk without milk, chinese rose petal
  10. Necromantic

    Other To all my followers

    You followed me for a bit. I used to get you and trust mixed up, but she quit way back I only follow people back after the second site overhaul, because we dont get status notifications anymore. You had to have followed me for a bit lol
  11. Necromantic

    Other To all my followers

    To be completely honest, i think i only remember some of it because you commented something along the lines of 'why are you saying this" after i decided that it was a good idea to state that i was a pillow pet at like, three in the morning and remember being very amused You and demitrio are...
  12. Necromantic

    Other To all my followers

    Hum, i think i found you through somebody else's profile back before Site Overhaulmageddon 2: Electric Boogaloo. I saw something you said and thought you seemed like the type of person i wanted constant status updates from. Then, when we all lost the people we were following and our followers. I...
  13. Necromantic

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    UnDeRtAlE aInT sHiT wHy WoUlD yOu WaNt To PlAy A pAcIfIsT rUn AnD nOt MuRdEr An EnTiRe SoCiEtY that took longer to type than it shouldve
  14. Necromantic

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    How pften are you reading my username, i havent seen you since before ya changed your icon
  15. Necromantic

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I think the entire concept of mayonnaise is kind of disgusting
  16. Necromantic

    Other Words of a dying man

    I have a shirt with that quote on it and would probably say that as well
  17. Necromantic

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    my healthier brother Sister? Sibling
  18. Necromantic

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    on ff.n i was wondering whether or not i could add the word 'fuck' to my username; turns out i could, as i figured out when i changed my username to 'lettuce fucktruck'. im not quite sure where that username came from, but its certainly what i used. basically thats why i chose lettuce on...
  19. Necromantic

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    I can't stand pudding unless it's banana pudding