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  1. LostHaven

    Other What Games Are You Good At?

    I’m great at RPG games (beat dark souls III with bare hands and no armor :/). And I play them a lot. I was an absolute god at warframe and absolutely destroyed everyone at PvP. (I mainly contribute that to the fact that my favored PvP frame is Limbo) but I’m hopeless at LoL :/
  2. LostHaven

    Any League fans out there?

    This is how I feel about Thresh... When I play Thresh: My Q hitbox is so stupid, when I clearly hit the adc, NOPE! It grabs the minion behind them instead. My teammates never grab the lantern and when I try to throw the lantern to the jungle, he doesn't grab the lantern and tries to chase the...
  3. LostHaven

    Food Weird Food Combinations

    I am a league player. So I get my daily dose of salt with Monster every day. but seriously, bacon with ice-cream and maple syrup isnt even bad :/
  4. LostHaven

    Other Undertale Fandom - A serious discussion/Rant on 'Chara' in AUs.

    Honestly, I don't feel like Chara is a genocidal maniac. : P I mean, if you complete the Genocide run twice in a row (I know I have no life), Chara actually tells you to take another route. I think people just don't like her because she screws up the pacifist endings : P she's my favourite...
  5. LostHaven

    Other -

    ... this was an hoax from a few years ago... it's so old, and no, he wouldn't dare to even invade the complete nonsensical clusterfuck known as my mind. Seeing it would have similar effects to seeing Cthulhu himself.
  6. LostHaven

    Other Yu-Gi-Oh! Players? Or am I the last one?

    No, the part he did Tbilisi run a bug deck and no glasses. What hurt most is that he was a fellow dragon deck player. T-T I used to run a deck similar to an immortal dragons deck, in the sense that it revolved around resurrecting dragons which I intentionally put in the graveyard. And I had...
  7. LostHaven

    Other Yu-Gi-Oh! Players? Or am I the last one?

    what did you do? xD Last time i went to a tournament, some guy ripped up my cards T-T thanks you're a lifesaver
  8. LostHaven

    Other Yu-Gi-Oh! Players? Or am I the last one?

    So I've played a fair bit of Yu-Gi-Oh! But recently, I can't really find any local events at all, and I only know a few people who still barely play the game ._. Are there still any Yu-Gi-Oh! Players out there or am I that nerd stuck in the past, babbling on about shit that nobody even knows...
  9. LostHaven

    Other Some answer i need about life.

    Anyhow, I try to stay off serious subjects. I don't like myself when I'm serious.
  10. LostHaven

    Other Some answer i need about life.

    I don't blame you for pointing that out :P I mean, you ARE listening to words coming out of a random guy on the internet.  As far far as you know, I could've attempted to do so. and if life were truly a lie, it's a beautiful one at that.
  11. LostHaven

    Other Some answer i need about life.

    I've Been called evil and crazy for saying this, but this is what I believe: Nothing in this life is more important than birth, and death. Anything that happens in between is but an illusion, and the only truth would be the endless abyss one would call death, and sooner one dies, the earlier...
  12. LostHaven

    Other Some answer i need about life.

    What if Donald Trump was a god?! D:
  13. LostHaven

    Other Where did your title/rank come from?

    my brother's sister's viking's monkey's pole's computer's mother's CEO's snail's cousin's salesman's sister's dad's fish is a koala. Does that count as survivng with wildlife?
  14. LostHaven

    Other Where did your title/rank come from?

    Who WOULDN'T try to arrest a shifty, raven obsessed plague doctor who claims to be mexican?
  15. LostHaven

    Other I can't help but notice...

    Has anyone noticed the similarities between this site and the Warframe Froums? Or am I going mad? they are almost identical. I swear.
  16. LostHaven

    Other So...Mythology?

    Harry Potter is #1 book. xD
  17. LostHaven

    Other What's your go-to beverage?

    Coffee is best drink.
  18. LostHaven

    Other Creepy Encounters

    Superman died for real. :o
  19. LostHaven

    Other What is your favorite animals/race ?

    Ravens are best birds. :) Even better, they signify death. I'm evil, I know.