Search results for query: *

  1. Kaya

    Other Little Things of Self-Discovery

    Ohh, interesting thread! I recently discovered that I have this weird habit of always having to make the first step with my left foot when I start walking. If I accidentally use my right foot instead, I'll stop for a second, then start over using my left foot. And I have no frickin' idea why I...
  2. Kaya

    Other Random question of the day

    Everyone who's ever played Skyrim knows that there is only one correct answer to this question-
  3. Kaya

    Other What’s your “cringey” interest?

    Otome games (Nix Hydra, goddamn, it's their fault XD) Captain future (does anyone still know the show? Yeah. Big fan.) Star Trek considered cringey? Or just nerdy? Uhh... mentioned that on another thread before but, Tarot? Plus, I guess, my undying love for tiny food magnets. Idk they're...
  4. Kaya

    Other Do you have interests that aren't compatible which people find weird?

    Heh, I guess some people who know me irl would be quite surprised that this rocker/metalhead has a fascination for tarot. Like, you'll never see me without my studded armcuff, pentagram necklace and leather jacket, I'm friendly but heck I won't take shit from anyone and at festivals and...
  5. Kaya

    Other Random question of the day

    Hmmm, can't speak for Kylo Ren here because (please don't lynch me) I don't really like star wars and haven't seen more than, what, 30 minutes of it? It bored me. I'll stick to Star Trek. Buuut back on topic: For Zuko, I think it wasn't just Mark Hamill (lol). (Spoilers I guess?) Until Ursa had...
  6. Kaya

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    World of Warcraft, heh. I played a Draenei Beast master and it just somehow reminded me of a character from my favourite childhood novels- Animorphs. His name was Aximili Esgarrouth Isthill; and it just kinda stuck. I love it, though X3
  7. Kaya

    Other What instrument do you play?

    Vocals and, to an extend, piano. I've been teaching myself for a couple of years now, but by now I'm kinda stuck. My number one 'instrument', however, is my voice. I'm part of our local choir and have some solo parts in a couple of songs (my favorite's Adiemus). Been in a band, too (we called...
  8. Kaya

    Other What made you feel good today?

    Waking up to this cute little dork X3 💕
  9. Kaya

    Other What are you terrible at?

    Recognizing faces, remembering names. Fun times whenever I'm walking down the streets and a 'stranger' greets me. And suddenly starts talking about that festival we went to together. Like, I'm terribly sorry, really, I like you, I remember that time at the festival was awesome and we've talked...
  10. Kaya

    Other Show Me Your Unusual Pets

    I gotta say I really love chickens. They're just damn curious and, against what many believe, very intelligent. You never know what they'll do the next second because they just love to explore. And then there's the common misunderstanding when it comes to the pecking. You know how sensitive...
  11. Kaya

    Other Show Me Your Unusual Pets

    Do chickens count? My ladies, Stolle, Josie, Diva and Fluffy. Give them some space to dig and they'll turn the place upside down xD
  12. Kaya

    Other The Quote Boate! What're Your Quotes?

    Hmmm a beautiful quote I know is "Sometimes, you have to break before you can change. And sometimes, change means that you grow wings." It was back on a kids site (chicken Smoothie) where I saw one of the artists, Berkshire, write this.
  13. Kaya

    Other do you ever get mistaken for another age?

    Online, not really. If I get mistaken for another age, people mostly think I'm older. In real life? Eh. Everything from 16 to 20, but rarely ever 23. But hey, if I still have a younger face in my 50s, like my mother who's regularly mistaken for being in her mid 40s, I don't mind! XD
  14. Kaya

    Other What LGTBQ-Related question pisses you off?

    "How do you know you're pan? Have you tried having sex with [insert random gender]?" Sigh... I mostly just reply "How do you know you're straight? Have you tried having sex with [insert random gender]?" Best answer I ever got? "Yeah no but being straight is normal." 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yeah and I'm a...
  15. Kaya

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    Mine's fanart of the animated music video of Imagine Dragon's Birds, a song I just love very much, despite usually preferring rock and alternative metal. It reminds me of a person who means very much to me ^-^
  16. Kaya

    Other What do you do when you're feeling down?

    I'd say my number one coping mechanism is music. Especially if I have the chance to combine it with walking. Especially since I had Covid and started to suffer long-term effects (my short-term memory is wrecked, I can't focus, have difficulties finding words, can't fall asleep to save my life...
  17. Kaya

    Other What is your MBTI personality?

    ENFP-T, and honestly so proud of myself- used to be painfully introverted and shy, but I feel like I learned a lot during the last year. I'm happy! ^-^