Search results for query: *

  1. Illiterate

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    aesthetic dog, shibes are cute.
  2. Illiterate

    Other What's a video game you love but can't beat?

    i never lose >: (
  3. Illiterate

    Other Why did you pick your name?

  4. Illiterate

    Other What do you like?

    What do you find appropriate to like? Post more thought-out answers below.
  5. Illiterate

    Other What would you tell your 14 year old self?

    Never write notes to people. Or about the girl who sits next to you. Figure out what you really want to do. Get out of your head, or you'll trap yourself in there. Talk to your parents, they actually want to understand. Write down your ideas, people like them more than you'd think. And above...
  6. Illiterate

    Tech Which Browser Do You Use?

    Usually, I use Chrome. But as I'm on a trip right now, and I do not own a laptop.. I have to use this excuse for a computer..-Which would be fine, but for some reason THERE'S ONLY INTERNET EXPLORER ON THE COMPUTER. ;^;
  7. Illiterate

    Other A totally legit pie chart of the entire populi of RPN

    Where do I fit ;-; I'm edgy like a butterknife, but not 14.. Help.
  8. Illiterate

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I wonder who you're referring to.. My Unpopular Opinions: Ignorance is Ignorance, not Bliss. Most media is a form of hate, not information. Memes are more important than the president.
  9. Illiterate

    Other Weird Things You Do When No One's Around?

    I speak to myself out-loud, 60% of my thoughts are under my breath. I usually finish my thoughts vocally though, and sometimes I respond to people in my head like they can read my mind. It's weird, because sometimes people ask me questions, and I respond in my head, but then they have to repeat...
  10. Illiterate

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Sadly, I used to play Minecraft like it was my job. Probably around a few thousand hours if I'm honest.. Minecraft had good memes, though.
  11. Illiterate

    Other What's your favorite character pose from anything?

    Who else was I supposed to mention?
  12. Illiterate

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    I write with my left hand, eat with my left hand, hold a rifle on my left side, and reach for things with my left hand.. Yet I swing a bat right handed, throw right handed, wave with my right hand, flick with my right hand.. The list goes on for both hand, but I kick with my right foot...
  13. Illiterate

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    When I first made this account, I called it Ghoti, which is pronounced as "Fish" 'cause.. Phonetics. Buuuuutt.. I changed it to Juicy because I've been listening to a ton of my favorite rapper on SoundCloud as of late. Chaaannnncceee Thhheeee Raaaapppeerrr. One of my favorite songs of...
  14. Illiterate

    Games that made you spend the most on.

    I used to play Minecraft like it was my job, so I naturally spent a bunch of money on it. Maybe around $500 for the number of servers I played on? But that's nothing compared to the 1000 dollars I spend on GTA V.. Too many Supercars.. Too many luxury apartments.. Too many...