Search results for query: *

  1. FoolsErin

    Other Worst Pain You've Ever Felt

    Pain as far as skin and bone? Almost two years ago, end of 8th grade. The junior high was close to this water park, so on the last day of school, we all went over there to swim as a final treat. I had a fun day, all-things-considered. Slides, hot dogs, ice cream, just floating around the pool...
  2. FoolsErin

    Other What things do you want to do that are considered childish by the public?

    The fact I cannot “enjoy“ bugs anymore really sucks. I just want to chase a butterfly, watch a caterpillar crawl on a stick, and maybe sit down to watch the ants do stuff.
  3. FoolsErin

    Other What Are YOU a Fan of?

    Ooh! Here’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. I used to really love decorating dens and dressing up spring bunnies. I eventually realized that the game was becoming more boring than fun for me, so I eventually stopped renewing my membership. Still, those were some great years. Yesss! I binged...
  4. FoolsErin

    Other What are some things you used to hate that you now enjoy?

    Vegetable juice. Little me thought it was disgusting, but right now I could totally murder a can of V8. (Yes, it’s mainly tomato, but it’s got a lot of miscellaneous vegetable juices mixed in there.)
  5. FoolsErin

    Other Any New Year's resolutions?

    Try not to die I guess? I‘ve kinda stopped making resolutions years ago, and even then those weren’t really realistic and I ended up giving up on them after like a week. I already have so much on my shoulders now, I don’t need to add my own pressure to the pile.
  6. FoolsErin

    Tech Kindles on RP-Nation?

    I think that depends on the type of kindle. All you need is an internet browser to view the site, really. If it’s one of the newer models that has the ability to use an internet browser, you should probably be fine.
  7. FoolsErin

    Other Random question of the day

    Varies from moment to moment, but right now it’s Primarina. I soft reset way too many times for my lovely girls Crescentia and Cordelia, and I honestly don regret it.
  8. FoolsErin

    Other Write with a damn pen & paper.

    Hah! That’s nothing compared to my almost hieroglyphic scrawl. Anyways, back on topic. I have pretty much never written stuff with a pencil and a paper outside of school-related stuff. Because there’s only like a one in four chance I could be able to read it again after writing it down. My...
  9. FoolsErin

    Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

    So a Yankee Candle at midnight, where you’re trapped with someone blindly trying to smack a bug with a heavy object?
  10. FoolsErin

    Other Happy Halloweeeeeeeen!~ (wooooo, spoopy!)

    Moooodddd, we got below freezing temperatures and wind on top of that.
  11. FoolsErin

    Other Currently reading?

    I recently finished reading "This Savage Song" as an ebook. It's sorta depressing, but it has beautiful world-building.
  12. FoolsErin

    Food favorite snack?

    ...Dill pickle potato chips. Lays kind. I usually won’t lean towards the name brand if the off one tastes just as good, but no other chip brand has even attempted non kettle versions of this delicious potato ambrosia, and the kettle chips aren’t the kind of flavor I’m looking for.
  13. FoolsErin

    Other Worst candy?

    Zombie Skittles. The rotten zombie flavored ones taste absolutely fucking horrendous and I never want to taste them again.
  14. FoolsErin

    Other Dio's Meme Collection and More

    I can now say in satisfaction I killed a thread with the power of my inability to name images.
  15. FoolsErin

    Other Dio's Meme Collection and More

    So I have a weird gift for finding vaguely amusing Youtube comments/comment chains. Edit: Just found this one. To clarify, these were not on the same video. Or in the same comment chain, for that matter. Though they probably would be funnier if they were. In addition, I've found...
  16. FoolsErin

    Other Your favorite wikipedia pages?

    I am a simple girl.
  17. FoolsErin

    Other To All My Dear Followers (Ft. Daisie)

    Ehh, the real kicker is that I'm planning for it to start out with a small fight that involves a mixture of martial art-ish fighting and guns, and uhh.... I'm somewhat good with describing guns in combat along with swords and magic, but not really when it comes to the punches and the kicks. So...
  18. FoolsErin

    Other To All My Dear Followers (Ft. Daisie)

  19. FoolsErin

    Other To All My Dear Followers (Ft. Daisie)

    It's certainly not for me. It's a good procrastination activity from a post written as probably the most complicated character I will ever have to write in a fandom roleplay.
  20. FoolsErin

    Other To All My Dear Followers (Ft. Daisie)

    Also, I think the number of users viewing this thread might break a record or something, it's not every day 68 people--including guests--view the same post.