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  1. FabulousTrash

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Because I was using my regular screen name too much
  2. FabulousTrash

    What MMO do you play?

    SWTOR for the win. One, if not the only, best Sci-Fi universes in existence (which a hint of fantasy if you consider the Force magical)
  3. FabulousTrash

    Other Does romance exist here?

    K I'll just assume yes, but you should avoid it
  4. FabulousTrash

    Other Does romance exist here?

    so i mean.....i dont wanna sound weird but like are romance rps even a thing here?
  5. FabulousTrash

    What video game world would you want to live in?

    I cant ever pick just one thing, so here's my list in no particular order 1. Fire Emblem 2. SAO  3 .GTA (life respawns would be the fucking best) 4. Legend of Zelda 5. Overwatch 6. Pokemon
  6. FabulousTrash

    What video game world would you want to live in?

    Same world, but more preferably Kalos
  7. FabulousTrash

    Most Hated Game

    Hmm....Games I hate..... I mean, I dont mind ANY game to be honest. I guess what you should be asking is "Which game's community do you hate the most"
  8. FabulousTrash

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Oh god, where do I start lol xD These are my top 5 (in this order from longest to least but still long when you compare it to my other games) 1. Star Wars: The Old Republic 2. Roblox 3. Awesomnauts 4. Project Diva 5. Overwatch
  9. FabulousTrash

    Other How many hours of sleep a night do you have to get?

    Ok, the least amount of sleep I have ever gotten was 3 ish hours with semi-functionality If you want full functionality...I'd say I need at least 4 or 5.  Then again, who am I kidding? Sleep is for the week