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  1. Coin

    Other Save my sanity

    I've seen the first two seasons. Still getting around to watching the OVAs and new season. I only watched it because a friend of mine recommended it to me. So, if my math is right, that makes at least three of us.
  2. Coin

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Runescape. My time logged in is clocked in days not hours. ~300 days of time logged in on one account, ~40 days of time logged in on another account. On the sane spectrum: League of Legends (~50 days of time spent in game) Warframe (800 hours on steam) 7 Days to Die (700 hours)...
  3. Coin


    Loki, as it turns out, is one of the best frames in the game. Stealth has a particularly powerful role in combat -- it just has to be executed properly. Maximizing power duration and skimping out on pretty much everything else other than maybe efficiency is the best way to mod Loki. You'll be...
  4. Coin


    If it's your clan, you're welcome to join my alliance, too. If you're not already in one, that is. And yes, I'm on PC. It might be underscores. Talks_Like_Sand
  5. Coin


    Pitch the shield mod. Chroma is a much better armor/health tank. Power strength and duration for an ice build Chroma. Efficiency becomes a quality of life mod that allows you to cast your abilities for less/have your 4 purl for longer, but is not necessary for endgame builds. As for the Lex...
  6. Coin

    Your Current Binge Play Game

    Dark Souls 3 came out last Monday evening and I've logged 65 hours. Sigh. What PS2 server are you on? I used to play quite a bit, too.
  7. Coin

    Black Desert Online - Giveaway Part 2

  8. Coin

    Black Desert Online - RpN Guild

    How the world has fallen for jiggly boobs.
  9. Coin

    Other Dream Interpretations

    I have only a single recurring dream and the consistent theme is that my teeth fall out. At first, it feels like just a normal tooth itch. It's like the ones your got when you were younger and your adult teeth are replacing your baby teeth. In the dream, I'll wiggle the accursed tooth and then...
  10. Coin

    Food I just put oatmeal-peanut butter cookies in the oven

    I picked up ginger thins from work and am willing to trade.
  11. Coin

    Food I just put oatmeal-peanut butter cookies in the oven

    so. are you sharing or wat?
  12. Coin

    Internet Spaceships (EVE Online)

    Caldari master race. Though I'll be honest, I've been using the Machariel for missions lately. Just can't deny those 1400mm artillery cannons.
  13. Coin

    Internet Spaceships (EVE Online)

    Just wondering if anyone out there plays EVE? If so, I'm just starting up again after a pretty lengthy hiatus and am willing to take on/join any other players of any skill level or experience. <p><a...
  14. Coin

    Any MMO Gamers on RPN??

    Eve Online's trial is actually pretty good. There are some restrictions but your first time around playing the game you'll pretty much never reach them. Eve Online's learning curve is steeper than a cliff but it's so worth getting into.
  15. Coin

    Any MMO Gamers on RPN??

    Heya! I spent a good chunk of my life on the MMO, Runescape and I don't recommend it xD . Afterwards, I've tried out Rift and Archeage. Didn't like em too much either. If I had to pick a favorite playstyle in MMOs, it would be high DPS mages and a tad bit of melee hybrid with mage if the game...
  16. Coin

    Favorite Boss Battle?

    I friggin loved the boss fight at the end of Transistor. [/media] It tied together the story really well. And as the rest of the game, has a great soundtrack!
  17. Coin

    Food National Donut Day

    Plain and French crullers. Wont eat em without a mug of black coffee, though.