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  1. myfanwy

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  2. myfanwy

    Who’s the sexiest game character Male or Female

    I mean... I'm a bit biased but Fenris from Dragon Age II Another biased answer is Godric Baedric from Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes. Findan too. For females, Isabela from Dragon Age and Ada Wong from Resident Evil.
  3. myfanwy

    Give your terrible roleplaying advice

    insist on playing an oc character in a canon role play, and when that for some reason doesn't succeed, turn a relatively unknown canon character into your oc. guaranteed to work 100% of the time. same note, if you're making your oc the love interest of a canon character, make sure their...
  4. myfanwy

    trigger the avatar above you with one sentence

    you write about everything and it all matters.
  5. myfanwy

    Make an anime sound really bad in 1 sentence.

    two oblivious idiots like one another but spend eight hundred years not realizing it- kimi ni todoke
  6. myfanwy

    Give your terrible roleplaying advice

    character development is for suckers. keep them as 2d as possible
  7. myfanwy

    Give your terrible roleplaying advice

    inb4 i get bitched at for this hot take: only write one liners with "yes" *he replied* or another one punctuation is optional. same with spacing out dialogue between two characters. spelling?? never heard of her.
  8. myfanwy

    What’s the personality of the avatar above you.

    that one weeb in high school. ya know, that kid. highkey emo but loves pop music but don't you dare mention that. the living embodiment of it's not a phase mom god. 2deep4u
  9. myfanwy

    Two Truths and a Lie

    oh jesus that looks awful. thankfully when I broke my toes it was just from my pets, haha. i dented my rib cage by climbing a tree and then falling on a discarded bed frame when i was a wee child. our landlords decided that cutting the tree down was better than removing the bed frame
  10. myfanwy

    Two Truths and a Lie

    nope xd i was a very dangerous child, which is how my rib cage ended up dented in another incident. 3 was the lie as i broke my toes when i was fourteen
  11. myfanwy

    Two Truths and a Lie

    1. i drowned at the tender age of one week before my first birthday and was dead for half a minute. 2. i have permanent scars on my wrist from my second cat. 3. i have broken every single toe, my left arm, and my collarbone all before i was ten years old.
  12. myfanwy

    Rate the avatar above you on a scale of 1-10

    9.5/10 picture fits the name but I can't tell why it would be a "nope"
  13. myfanwy

    The Avatar Above You Went To Jail, Why?

    For being a birb that must be protected
  14. myfanwy

    The Avatar Above You Went To Jail, Why?

    For being one of the worst starter pokémon
  15. myfanwy

    What does the avatar above you smell like?

    faerie dust
  16. myfanwy

    Define the avatar above you in one word

    smug xd