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  1. Cinder_Rabbit

    Assign a snack to the avi above you.

    Cake defiantly cake everyone likes cake. Even soldiers!
  2. Cinder_Rabbit

    Hit on the user above you with your best pick-up lines

    I heard you like bad guys :lenny: ..well I don't mean to brag ... but I suck at everything!
  3. Cinder_Rabbit

    What is the avatar above you thinking?

    "I'll show them! I shall create the finest loaf of bread they will ever taste!!! MWwwaaaaa ah ah ah ah!"
  4. Cinder_Rabbit

    What would you do to the avatar above you?

    I would take her to see a doctor because her lips are a funny colour =0
  5. Cinder_Rabbit

    What was the last movie you watched?

    I rewatched the woman in black. Though the book seemed better after reading it :ghostr:
  6. Cinder_Rabbit


    Ohhhhhh yeah!!!!
  7. Cinder_Rabbit

    Would you rather..

    If it was always the most of which ever on i was in I think i would like to be the funniest. I like making people smile and happy :csmile: Would you rather have the world of Tolkien or the world of Harry Potter ?
  8. Cinder_Rabbit

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above you

    Kiss you big metallic beauty you
  9. Cinder_Rabbit

    Would you marry the avatar above you?

    Yes to science no to the dude trying to hug it
  10. Cinder_Rabbit

    Rate the avatar above you on a scale of 1-10

    8/10 looks really cool =3
  11. Cinder_Rabbit

    Hit on the user above you with your best pick-up lines

    That's just how I roll xD
  12. Cinder_Rabbit

    Hit on the user above you with your best pick-up lines

    Roses are red Violets are blue I have amnesia Microwave
  13. Cinder_Rabbit

    Would You Press the Button?

    Press!! If I can help others and it's just me that's immune then easy choice You find your absolute perfect soul mate and are madly in love But You cannot die
  14. Cinder_Rabbit

    Kiss, hug, push or stab the avatar above you

    Push ! :horns:
  15. Cinder_Rabbit

    Would you rather..

    I would say no regrets because achievements don't mean much unless you feel good about them yourself Would you rather .. Take a peek behind the curtain of heaven or hell?
  16. Cinder_Rabbit

    What was the last movie you watched?

    That was a strange movie, though a interesting idea! The evil dead
  17. Cinder_Rabbit

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, each morning when you wake up another 'you' will appear at the bottom of your bed watching you motionless increasing in number each day. I wish I could fix anything I touched.
  18. Cinder_Rabbit

    Tell an outrageous lie about the user above you.

    Draws tiny faces face on fruit before eating it so that he/she feels almighty and ruthless at the same time as receiving a healthy dose of fructose