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  1. Takumi98

    Multiple Settings The Founders {Harry Potter inspired thread}

    So if I wanted to join would I need to be really familiar with Harry Potter? The most I know is from the first movie I saw as a kid, plus bits of one or two of the other movies, and from what I've seen currently playing Hogwarts Legacy?
  2. Takumi98

    Multiple Settings The Founders {Harry Potter inspired thread}

    It's an interesting plot, and I'm almost tempted
  3. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Concierge / Haunted Pokémon Center

    I'm always on discord and much more active there tbh, so I don't mind it
  4. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Concierge / Haunted Pokémon Center

    Better to have someone ask than no one at all tbh
  5. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Concierge / Haunted Pokémon Center

    Ah, got it 👍
  6. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Concierge / Haunted Pokémon Center

    I have most of the character sheet done for my boy but I didn't even consider what kinda job would fit him lol 🫠
  7. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Concierge / Haunted Pokémon Center

    Heyo! Interested 👀
  8. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Legends Kalos

    Interested if this is still accepting. If not than if it ever opens again I'd l I kely still be down to join 👀
  9. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Legends: Castaways [OPEN]

    Hello I am interested.
  10. Takumi98

    Fandom Pokémon Destinies; The Remix

    I'm interested
  11. Takumi98

    Fantasy Corvallis Academy [Applications Closed ]

    Cool. Will work on the cs soon. Thinking of either Moon magic or Sky magic. We'll see.
  12. Takumi98

    Fantasy Corvallis Academy [Applications Closed ]

    This sounds interesting, are you still excepting?
  13. Takumi98

    Fandom A Pokémon World

    RNG says Shinx 👀
  14. Takumi98

    Fandom A Pokémon World

    Trying to decide what Pokemon to give my trainer. Trying to decide between Snivy, Shinx, or Riolu atm
  15. Takumi98

    Fandom A Pokémon World

    This sounds pretty interesting tbh
  16. Takumi98

    Fantasy Empire at war

    I rewatched Avatar the last Airbender recently so I'm on a big fantasy kick atm but I'm interested
  17. Takumi98

    Fandom Fate/Eldritch Code

    We'll see! Who knows I may not disappoint you! :3
  18. Takumi98

    Fandom Fate/Eldritch Code

    I'll take Shielder then
  19. Takumi98

    Fandom Fate/Eldritch Code

    I thought someone wanted Saver?
  20. Takumi98

    Fandom Fate/Eldritch Code

    It's all good