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  1. DemiMoon

    Fandom Sailor Moon: A New Moon

    Considering how bad his injuries looked, it surprised Ismene to hear that Dante wouldn't have to stay overnight. It certainly looked like something would be broken, sprained or torn in such a way to require a more extensive procedure. Dante was tough. She knew that. But it was easy to assume the...
  2. DemiMoon

    Fandom Sailor Moon: A New Moon

    "Dante Arevik. A-r-e-v-i-k. Tall, lots of tattoos. Piercings, here, here and here." Ismene pointed at her ear, below her lip and to her eyebrow. "Brown hair, reddish at the tips.." she fidgeted with her own silvery blue tips as she said it, drawing attention to the parallel without saying it...
  3. DemiMoon

    Fandom Sailor Moon: A New Moon

    No reply. She put her phone away and followed after another group of the orchestra club students back out to her parents. "It's not her fault, we're not docking pay," Anna said sternly to Fumio. Fumio grumbled under his breath, but then sighed, "Yes, yes, you're right dear. It's a bit of a...
  4. DemiMoon

    Fandom Sailor Moon: A New Moon

    Chaos rippled out from the pavilion like a pond disturbed by a stone, but the distortion was temporary. For most of the audience and orchestra, panic subsided into relief. No one was hurt in any significant way. The conductor shouted out for calm and order. Someone straightened Ismene's music...
  5. DemiMoon

    Fandom Sailor Moon: A New Moon

    The day wore on, like a river running its course into the sea. Ismene compartmentalized her anxiety about the performance behind mundane tasks. Setting up instruments and stands, sheet music carefully turned to the correct page. One of the club members arrived at the pavilion in a panic and...
  6. DemiMoon

    Fandom Sailor Moon: A New Moon

    'Looking for something fun to do during the eclipse today? Sapporo's own Hokkaido Orchestra Club will be performing outside the Planetarium today..' "Hah! My daughter is on the television!" Fumio clapped his hands and pointed at the announcer, beaming over at his daughter as she placed a tray...