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  1. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    "Will do!" Fennec called from the hallway, knowing Boba could always message her as well if he really needed to. Tomorrow would be a lot busier, so hopefully her hearing aid would be finished. Fennec retreated to her own bedroom after dropping off the small device, yawning as she put on a...
  2. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    "Yeah, I can have it sent down to the workshop, I'm sure someone can get it working." Fennec nodded, carefully taking the hearing aid and pocketing it. "Hopefully by morning they'll have it working. Sleep well." She smiled and headed off to give her her privacy. Fennec went straight to the...
  3. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    "Well, Maker only knows the last time anyone saw a Jedi around here." Fennec replied, leaning against the doorframe. "And it's not like we really run into a lot of Lightsaber users just hanging around. It's rare, special." She watched as Ashlin held the hilt in her hands. "And no one really...
  4. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    Boba was still mulling over whether or not he liked the nickname, but he did notice her growing tired. "Yes. Din is here, so unless you want to stay and be friendly I'm sure Fennec can show you to your new accommodations." "Anything you say...chief." Fennec teased Boba, who snorted. "Watch...
  5. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    Bobe glanced over at Ashlin, seeming to ponder her question under his helmet as he tilted his head. "Yes. And he gets half the payment for the way he looked at you." He decided, waving a hand to a guard, who gave the man his money. "I suggest you leave before I let her take over." He warned...
  6. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    Fennec did the same as her, just keeping a general eye on everyone, acting as a visual deterrent to keep ideas of trouble out of people's minds. Boba reclined back in his throne, getting comfortable before he waved the first person in line to hear them. After a bit, Fennec walked over to Ashlin...
  7. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    Boba nodded. "That's fine. Just be prepared. A good few of the smugglers can get handsy and rowdy after a few drinks." He warned, and nodded to Fennec. "Open the gates again, Din will probably be here soon. May as well get as many people out of the way as we can." He huffed, and looked back at...
  8. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    "Well, Fennec does have a way with words." Boba chuckled softly, standing up, still holding the helmet in one hand. "Mostly you'll be watching for trouble makers during business hours, making sure no one gets in or out unauthorized." He wasn't going to just thrust her into a more robust...
  9. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Alpha & Beta - Book of Boba Fett RP

    The two Gamorrean guards led her down the stone hallways, seemingly straight towards Boba and Fennec. Boba was reclined on his throne, chatting idly with the other woman, his helmet on his knee. He had cleared the throne room in anticipation of Ashlin's arrival, and were now joking and having a...
  10. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Star Wars: Picking Sides [Closed]

    Siath sighed softly as she walked along the path, unknowingly on the same trail, only to be witness to the expertly timed kill perpetuated by Boba. "Your reputation is well earned, Fett." She called from the side path, amusement in her voice. It wasn't a tease, it was genuine. Maker did she...
  11. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Star Wars: Picking Sides [Closed]

    "Oh not for sale." Siath amended her earlier statement, leaning back a bit. She could tell the subtle movements of his helmet that he was watching someone off to the side, probably his mark, but she wasn't interested in stealing work from him. "Just from one to another. We stick together." She...
  12. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Star Wars: Picking Sides [Closed]

    Under her helmet, Siath's eyebrows raised as he introduced himself. She'd heard whispers about him, the great Boba Fett, bounty hunter extraordinaire, but she never imaged bumping into him. From what she heard he usually worked under the Empire, or the Hutts. "Never said I wasn't looking for...
  13. TheWestwardShadow

    Fandom Star Wars: Picking Sides [Closed]

    Siath gave the man moving to sit beside her a slight nod, inviting him to take the seat as he pleased. Truthfully she was a bit shocked to be running into another of their kind here, though it wasn’t a hard guess to say he was probably working. The thought made her fists clench slightly, and...