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  1. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    It was great seeing Ben being more like Ben and it had Mindy giggling, even if his cocky behavior usually got on her nerves. "Why would you know anything about Sweden? Plan on moving there without telling me?" She demanded, hands on her hips as her tiny frame towered over Ben. Merely in spirit...
  2. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Having been intent on her task, Mindy jumped at the sudden voice before turning to smirk at Ben. She continued scraping food off dishes into smaller containers while Ben spoke and then snickered when he had finished asking his question. "You already have your license, smart one. Driving has been...
  3. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    The pictures, though not an exact chronological story, did at least explain some minor things. Each child of the family had some kind of baby or toddler picture, and then from there it was a myriad of different events. There were plenty of pictures of Ben's siblings, but just as many of him...
  4. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Since when has there been a moment Ben couldn't talk to me? Mindy froze up as a new thought struck her mind. Is he Gay?! That was one topic they never really touched on. Romance, and Ben's lack of it. Like Mindy knew that he had had girlfriends in the past and every now and then he would flirt...
  5. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    When did Ben learn a second language? And what language even is it?  Glaring hard at Ben, Mindy knew her cousin was not intelligent enough to make up his own or to learn a made up language from somewhere else. And he had never shown any knowledge of a second language before. Is this something I...
  6. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    "Geez, bro, what's gotten into you? You going to turn into a veggieterrian and become all ridiculous and animal loving?" Ben's brother asked with disgust, pronouncing vegetarian wrong on purpose. It was something they joked about every now and then because eating your own animals that you named...
  7. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Mindy could see it. And she wasn't the only one. The forced smile... Ben's smiles were rare and when they appeared they were genuine. So the weird, almost glass smile across his face reminded Mindy more like the girls in her class who were always putting on faces to get people to like them...
  8. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Things were only slightly strange with Ben's response in most of the family's opinions. As good as the happy voice was, they had been expecting a thrilled happy dance or something... well... more then what Ben gave them when he got the gun cleaning kit and the trapping book. Maybe he's just...
  9. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Ben's mom caught onto the trick after a moment and shook her head at Mindy. "Your wish will still come true, whatever it was. And your... condition? Is fine." Fine wrinkled formed on her forehead a moment along with a smile before she licked her thumb and finger and then pressed them over the...
  10. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    "Relax, Ben. It's not like they're going to bite or anything. Just smile, laugh, act surprised and happy, and auntie and the rest will eat it up." Mindy said brightly, patting her cousin on the shoulder with a wide smile.  As soon as Ben stepped through the door, properly into the living...
  11. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    29th of February, 2012 - Birthday Bash Though the fence had been a lot of work, Eugene had done most of it. He had Ben and Mindy both help out at some parts, but since it was no fun going to a birthday party sweaty he did most of the work and only had Ben help when it was absolutely...
  12. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Ben nodded, trying to soak that in but he had no idea what semiotics even were. He was beyond screwed if he was in the body of some kind of genius because he certainly was not. He wasn't dumb by any stretch of the imagination, but he certainly was no prodigy and he would never be one. It's a...
  13. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    I guess right! I have got to be one of the luckiest people... Ben was so very proud of himself he almost forgot to pretend sadness. He forced his gaze to the ground, did an imitation of Mindy's ridiculous little 'shoulder roll' that she would call a shrug, and attempted to look morose. His mouth...
  14. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    "No, I guess she isn't a goldfish." Ben said with a laugh that was a little on edge because... what did goldfish have to do with anything? Was she referring to Danielle's memory? Here's hoping that she really didn't have the memory of a goldfish. If she did then she and Ben were both in serious...
  15. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Ben paused, thinking hard. "Danielle knows where you life, right?" It was probably a terribly stupid sounding question but if she didn't then Ben had no way to get to her house without looking like an idiot, or suspicious. For Ben it was important that these people didn't realize he was in...
  16. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Rebound... Ben's first thought, was of course, basketball... but sports didn't really work in the context of Hannah's words so Ben worked on focusing in, absorbing all the words she said. So... Anna-Klara was upset and whatever her friend... my friend?... whatever this girl is assuming, it has...
  17. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Ben gave a half hearted wave as he left and then turned this attention to the new girl that spoke to him as if she was on close terms. Just the way she had held herself when she approached reminded him a bit of Mindy. He continued to watch John leave, nodding at Hannah's observation. John...
  18. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Ben was entirely grateful he hadn't been left to his own devices. If he had been told to find his own way to school, he would have been sunk. And the man continued the kindness of speaking English so that he could understand. Though this day was odd, there were a lot of blessings to be seen and...
  19. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    So I'm from Stockholme.... Ben thought, listening to kind woman who had been more help then she realized. And they speak Swedish. Putting a name to the language made Ben feel a little bit better about everything, even if he was still completely and entirely lost on just what they were saying in...
  20. RubyRose

    A Leap of Faith -Closed-

    Ben was a guy... he was actually really oblivious to John's compliment. Like, he accepted it as a compliment. Yeah, the body I'm in is pretty. But didn't consider for a moment it was anything but a nice, comment. He didn't see it as flirting... maybe on another day but there was so much to...