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  1. ich0rous

    Fantasy Children of Fleur

    I've got a reply for you in a while!! Guaranteed. Although, I have to go for dinner in just a moment, so I'll send it when I get back. Hang tight for me, @Scattered Ambitions ? Thanks!
  2. ich0rous

    Fantasy Children of Fleur

    Name/ Alias: Fleur De Lune (born in a culture where titles act as names) Goes by Lune. Age: About 17 Race; Terran Homunculus Gender: Female Job/Title: Foreman, Architect, professional excavator. Affiliation: Child of Fleur Appearance: Fleur De Lune, born under the false moon of the...
  3. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    OH shit, did I miss a post? I'm so used to live updates and not having to refresh all the time ;3; I wonder if my rainbow will work? A lame code test.
  4. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    How does she know Ellie's name? She never told her.
  5. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    I'm glad you're off now!! Geez, what a back breaker. Get some time to recover, yeah? Ellie'll probably just stick around in her tent and watch, I don't think she really has a whole awful lot of interest in actually playing the game.
  6. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Got a new picture of Ellie wearing a starry dress to match her comforter! <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ellie_by_hetarimichellechan-d94g5n2.jpg.ee770820a3fcbf23b8f90c5064e92385.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67494"...
  7. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Will do Leaf. I might be away for a while, starting work and school again soon. Got some big adjustments to do ;3;
  8. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Woahh, geez. Good luck ;3; Mine divorced at a real young age. I'll have Ellie pop in or something a bit later. Best wishes ;3;
  9. ich0rous

    Futuristic Darkness Falls

    It's alright. Glad to have you back. Hang in there, yeah?
  10. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Mhm, sleep well
  11. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    ;3; RIP: Nick
  12. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Pff. I slept in till about three in the afternoon today ;3; I gotta fix my sleep schedule before classes start again.
  13. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    I was up late last night trying to figure out details for a story and finally fell asleep at five in the morning. Take a nap @NickOnTheReg, you've earned it.
  14. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Oh gee. I'm just a young author looking for excuses to write. This is such a nice topic too, it's great getting to write about new places. I'm in a detailed Wastelandish sort of RP called Darkness Falls, playing a human Alex Bellator (originally an arcadian soldier, part of Amidatty's...
  15. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    You deserve a nap after doing such hard work. Hehe. I'm gushing over all these pictures of such pretty girls. My friend sends me new art regularly..<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b131908_Prettyinpink.jpg.611c366875cb36defcab859647ab3c4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink...
  16. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Oh!!!! Okay, thank god, haha. I really was worried for a moment!! Deep breaths. I'm sorry. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ckFbEyRlEmE.jpg.a4d5e3d4da295b01d174d430f5fa3b71.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65795"...
  17. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    Oh geez.. Are you alright? Please be safe ;3; I think Senna's great.
  18. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    I don't figure there's anything altogether special about character sexuality. Straight is no different from gay, ace is no different from pan. I say do what you like so long as you're proud of it. Being proud of yourself is something that's very important too. I will admit though, I highly enjoy...
  19. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    I have many more female characters than male--all my prettyboys are gay or pan, and most of my gals are pan or ace (It's fair to note that a good portion of my characters are also inhuman eldritch abominations :33) . I'm such a big queer ;3; I almost cried when I heard gay marriage was...
  20. ich0rous

    Realistic or Modern Hop around the world

    She's such a darling. Plus, Ellie likes sharing the big blanket, hehe.