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  1. Tulani

    Fandom Naruto: Extinction

    when Im caught up with school I'll make a character
  2. Tulani

    Realistic or Modern Broken Fairytale- Accepting

    Welcome back @Dethbycoffee
  3. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    It's been awhile... like a long while since I watched the episode
  4. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @Thesmashbro yeah that... forgot what the ship was called. Thought they had the same name
  5. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    Man when the first Sunny broke in one piece I teared up a little. Lets not kill our boat; at least, till we love her and have heart ache over it
  6. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    I technically yelled at her kinda... but I clearly didn't mean it. Oli is hard to make angry. Now if my Furnace blew up... well that be a different story. Think the ship would be in trouble as well
  7. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    I have a buzz going lol
  8. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    so do we have to wait for everyone to post once in this rp or is it free posting as long as we don't double post?
  9. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    cool beans let me read and I will post, i went to get noms
  10. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    I will take a look @shadowdude505 the names are amusing @shadowdude505 I kinda forgot for some reason one piece names all their attacks. I have no idea what Oli would name hers
  11. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    So do we have a time frame in like hours when this all will kick off cause time zones?
  12. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    All aboard the hype train... Choo Choo!
  13. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @CJ Mason I like Ulysses Jackobi Livingston, I'll be curious to see how he operates in the crew.
  14. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @AllHailDago well Im excited to see what you do with him
  15. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @AllHailDago Well if I had a devil fruit user and was playing them up for laughs.... well A + b = c..... "ohh the fuck, did that twat just jump in the water."
  16. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @shadowdude505 who would honestly do that I mean... that's such a strange dickish thing to do to your character. If someone does that they are gonna get beat lol
  17. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    No one knows much about my character except she is obviously got giants blood and is a blacksmith. As I am likely one of the last members recruited... I'm probably unknown.
  18. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @DaughterofAthena I think the merwoman or the half giant really. More so on the merwoman side of things
  19. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    @AllHailDago Norma seems like an interesting character to me. How anyone forgets they are a devil fruit eater is kinda baffling though lol. If he ever jumps off the ship to swim to the other boat or something Oli is gonna face palm
  20. Tulani

    Fandom One Piece: New World

    Part of me is wondering how my character will relate to the others. Pretty sure there wont be any specism among the crew... but, it is possible