Search results for query: *

  1. The Unamed Character

    Fantasy Paranormal Investigation Club (P.I.C.)

    Shade, may not join again. sorry
  2. The Unamed Character

    Fantasy Summoners Journey

    If I liked it yes
  3. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    UGH!!!!! WORK IS SO Tough ow!!! I can't rp atm just wanted to sya
  4. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    Yea. And super sorry for my abscence
  5. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: The Age of Ghouls

    Well that answers that
  6. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    lol. All I can see now is a panda typing away on a keyboard
  7. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    True. I used to own one back in japan
  8. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    the race card with pandas
  9. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

  10. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    what three worlds?
  11. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    wait what?
  12. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    I take offense to that as well
  13. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

  14. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul: The Age of Ghouls

    Maybe, I am in another Tokyo ghoul rp so....
  15. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    Later okay, I can't go into much description due to time restraints
  16. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    Yea sorry for not much info
  17. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    I was tagged?
  18. The Unamed Character

    Fandom Tokyo Ghoul; Dawn of Ghouls

    Nope. You can help if you want though
  19. The Unamed Character

    Fandom ♙Checkmate [NGNL RP - Mor' Peeps ples]♙

    Okay well... I have to go now so...