Search results for query: *

  1. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    First post is up. Feel free to post. I apologize sincerely for taking so long. I had some RL issues this week. I promise I'm usually more on top of things that this.
  2. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Sounds good! :) Yeah. They should all be in the same city to start out. I was thinking maybe Shennong? After the legendary Chinese Emperor who shared his knowledge and wisdom of medicine. I was thinking that maybe this city would be known for it's medical school in the A Ring. I'm terrible...
  3. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    I was planning for to create situations throughout the rp, so that the characters will all eventually meet. At the beginning however some of them might not interact. If anyone wants to they can create a second character. If you've already been accepted then you don't need to worry about me...
  4. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    No problem :) I'm unexpectedly busy today to
  5. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Accepted: @Bloop @Aella @DreamBeat @Ninja Warrior @Haereticus @Lord Shaxx (Please send me a writing sample. It can be from another RP)
  6. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED)Lost and Found (Dark family Drama)

    I ran across this picture and I thought the lady looked like Rebecca and found it was from the same movie. Anyway I think is a cute picture and how I imagine Dan and his mom's relationship before he was kidnapped. @ApfelSeine
  7. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED)Lost and Found (Dark family Drama)

    I was thinking the former, but I guess we'll just see. Any of the NPCs I made are free to use if you ever need/want to.
  8. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Yeah that's allowed. :) For clarification: Those in the wastelands are out of the system. They don't have popularity points, cuffs, or ranks. The only way they can get back into the city is to register to take the tests during the ranking.Their scores weigh less however than those in the...
  9. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    It looks great so far. Good work :)
  10. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Thank you :)
  11. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Oh thanks
  12. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Yep. Just make a character sheet. I'm not deciding until Monday.
  13. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    It's possible there is a book like this, but I haven't read it. I wouldn't be surprised though if there was one with a similar plot. It's not the most unique idea.
  14. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Shan Glen {slide=Basics} Name: Shannon (Shan) Glen Age : 25 Gender : Cis Female Sexuality: Questioning (she doesn't have time for any of that anyway) Current Rank: 45,364 Occupation: Freight Worker Short Term Goal : Lower her rank number and rise to a...
  15. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    @thnksfrllths @Quarantine @Call Me Lucifer @ Noivian The CS requirements are up.
  16. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    What Does Rank Affect?All businesses have the right to refuse anyone with an Rank # higher than the business owner's. For example the owner of a restaurant has a rank of 2,000 he can then say that he doesn't serve anyone with a number higher than 2,000 Rank can limit a persons choice in...
  17. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    HIERARCHY The great thing about the ranking system is that anyone can work their way up to the higher tiers.Rank isn't just a number. It's a way of life.The system keeps everyone honest. We are constantly striving for our best. We reap what we sow. ConceptA dystopian world where everyone wears...
  18. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    Please keep all OCC here. Thank you
  19. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern Hierarchy

    This is NOT first come first serve. Character Sheets are Due July 25. That's when I'll decided who is accepted. WIP cs are okay up until Monday, July 25. I'm only accepting up to six players. Please only use realistic face claims or a written description for character appearance...
  20. Protocol

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED)Lost and Found (Dark family Drama)

    lol. That's honestly more healthy.