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  1. Nova Squid

    Fandom Star Wars: New Hope Arises Characters

    Name: Haken Rost Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: A fairly typical Imperial through and through, Haken has dark brown hair and eyes. He has a soldierly build and otherwise lacks any significant scarring or notable features. As a member of the Imperial Army, Haken wears the...
  2. Nova Squid

    Fandom Star Wars: New Hope Arises

    Hey, is this still open?
  3. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    For now I think I'll run some smaller "popcorn" roleplays; something of this scale demands quite a bit of attention, time, and most importantly good writing. That last point I think I didn't perfectly deliver on; people lost interest and kinda left since it took ages to see any sort of combat...
  4. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Given how long it's been since the last post, I'm afraid not. Some players (including myself) just lost interest very suddenly. I would like to restart it but I'm afraid that too many people have left, and I've entered a rather critical part of my education as of these few weeks, making my time...
  5. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    It's happening! Small notes for clarification: Current light level: twilight The Germans are sending stormtroopers forward into the frontal trenches. What the pilot saw was the regular infantry and armor behind them. They did not perform a starting artillery bombardment. They have pushed...
  6. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    I apologize for how long it's been since I last replied. Things are a bit busy here; I think tomorrow I'll finally be able to restart posting here regularly if things go well.
  7. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Kaiserschlacht will be beginning soon. I'm predicting anywhere from 1-3 days depending on how much more pre-battle RP people want to do. How much more are you guys willing to wait around before the battle starts? Or do you want to get some more interaction in before the shooting commences? Feel...
  8. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    'Pologize for how dull it's been outside of the trenches; here's a little hook for our fliers.
  9. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Character Sheet

    Still not quite filled out..
  10. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Gonna wait a bit before replying, let everyone get their fair share of RP in.
  11. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Correct in assumptions that the British and American forces are deployed out on the front. Though I don't think @AlbaGuBrath needs to change their post; after all it just describes a generic camp and that can fit the reserve trenches as well.
  12. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Character Sheet

    Well, being a British Army infantryman, he's following British orders. However, that doesn't preclude offering a bit of medical assistance to wounded allies from other armies, or otherwise interacting with them in any way.
  13. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Character Sheet

    A sterling example of a character app, and beautifully detailed too. I'm glad to see this approved!
  14. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Character Sheet

    Jesus, how could I have missed this beautiful little gem? Gotta watch this thread more. Anyway, approved. I'd post the usual Recruiting Office message but I'm in a little bit of a hurry right now.
  15. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Yes- God, Heaven, and Hell explicitly exist. You can be tempted by demons and you can have a guardian angel if you're excessively lucky. But overall non-mortals don't really interact in the mortal domain unless prompted to (such as with prayer, or if a demon's out tempting sinners), or if they...
  16. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Generally, combat and whatnot runs on common sense. You are assumed to be slightly better than the German soldiers (being a PC and whatnot) and so can win one on one engagements, but having a whole squad open up on you will probably result in you being pinned down or dead if you try to shoot...
  17. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    That's crossed my mind before- but I think an RP is run best when you don't have two other RPs to run at the same time.
  18. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Alrighty. I think I'll wait on @AlbaGuBrath to have their character approved before we move on to the opening stages of Kaiserschlacht. Don't want them to miss out, after all!
  19. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    That's good enough; while this RP does have its fast moments, it's also kinda schizophrenic in timing from what I've seen, with people occasionally replying every 30 minutes and sometimes going the entire day with just one post in the OOC thread. So I think you won't really have many problems...
  20. Nova Squid

    Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Out Of Character

    Hah, I wasn't expecting things to run so quickly either! Though given that you can use the sacred power of Bullshit A Way To Find Yourself In The Plot (TM), you can basically drop in at any time. Two jump-in points I can immediately come up with: Along the march to the front In the trenches...