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  1. Misuki Tatsumi

    One x One I need a Newt Scamander for my OC

    I need a Newt Scamander for my OC, Armina White. I will post my OC down Below.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name:Armina White   AKA:Mina   Age:26   Physical Description:Dirty blonde...
  2. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "If you're sure.." Amber said, She glared at the Malfoy Twins as they finished talking to them. She noticed Dynasty was looking down, Being the Hufflepuff she was, Amber started to tell a joke. "So Dynasty, ever wondered why the chicken Did cross the road?" She asked, hoping that her joke would...
  3. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    They were both already inside and at their tables,Amber saw Dynasty and took it as an opportunity and talked to her. "Hey,Do you know if Melody will apologize to me?" She asked,hoping to med their friendship.
  4. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    They had both blushed when they realized they'd been holding hands this entire time. She moved away from George,'he'd need his personal space..' she thought as she looked outside."Are you going to apologize to Melody?" He had asked her after what seemed like a minute of silence,She nodded,"I...
  5. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "George,You always know how to make me smile whenever I'm feeling down..And I thank you for being one of my best friends." She hugged him and he felt his heart racing..He returned the embrace and they let go. To eventually start talking and laughing again. They were getting closer to...
  6. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "You can't just hold a grudge on her forever,you know that right?" Amber nodded,She looked outside and at the castle. "I know,but.." George knew what she was going to say,"Don't even say it..I know you too well Amber!" She shook her head and then noticed Draco in the same carriage as Dynasty...
  7. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Je Dèteste ma vie!" She said in French and George looked at her,"I hate my life in French..I'm just feeling plain out miserable and I need something to cheer me up." She sighed and went to look out of the window. "It's not the end of the world Amber,She'll come around." He said reassuringly...
  8. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    (I don't know but I'm doing my own) The train stopped and Amber was relieved,her owl was onto her shoulder and she walked outside quickly..not wanting to see Melody anytime soon.
  9. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    Amber began mumbling to herself in French,which was a habit of hers whenever she was upset or angry..The twins became worried for her,And Amber became worried for herself. She was just bottling up her emotions and mumbling In French,It wasn't good for her to be like this. She knew someone sat...
  10. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Are we still up for that prank?" She asked the others,wanting to change the subject. She met eyes with George and it looked like he felt pity,she didn't want anyone,especially her crush,to feel pity for her.."Nevermind." She said,looking out of the window. She felt a bunch of emotions and she...
  11. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "I-I don't,B-But I-I've had nightmares about it..I-I've lost someone dear t-to me though." She said,stuttering. She's made it worse,her friendship with Melody was broken. Great! She walked back to her compartment and sighed..When the three asked her what was wrong she just dismissed it. "It's...
  12. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Mel,wait you know I didn't mean to upset you!" She called to era as she went after her friend. "Listen,I know you're upset..But Me,Miracle,Fred and George. We're here for you,and I know you may not care right now but we're all scared! We don't want you to get the 'Kiss' from the dementors,I'm...
  13. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Hey,And don't ask why I saved some people form a dementor..and by the way don't ask if I got the happiness sucked out of me,because I didn't." Amber said causally and she began reading,unaware of the stares she was being given.
  14. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Yeah,but it means it's all coming to a close..Not to be a Sob anyway,Though I'm scared as well. With all the Dementors coming to look for Sirius Black and all that,I wouldn't be surprised if Dementors were at Hogwarts." She said,opening a book and reading it. She was Really,Really
  15. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Good,like I said,I'm tired,cold and instead of going back to my own compar,net I think I'll just chill here with you guys!" She said as she took a seat next to Dynasty.
  16. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "Seeing that I just had every happy feeling sucked out of me..I'm doing good I guess!" She stated with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. "But in all reality,I'm cold,tired,and hungry. So we'd better get to Hogwarts quickly." She said laughing.
  17. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    She woke up and mumbled something,rubbing her eyes. "W-What happened?" She grumbled as she instantly took the chocolate bar and took a bite out of it.
  18. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    Amber shook off the arm and she went out of her compartment and stood directly behind the dementor,it noticed this and turned to her..sucking out all of her happy feelings in life. Until someone produced a Patronus which Amber didn't see since she blacked out.
  19. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    The dementor had gone past them and it went into a compartment..Amber wanted to do something but she didn't know how,so she got up and opened the door to her compartment,lit up her wand and was getting ready to walk out..until someone grabbed her arm.
  20. Misuki Tatsumi

    Fandom HP RP

    "I was going to swear in French,but I'll keep it PG..for now." Amber grew worried for the other people on the train..what if they got the 'kiss'!? "Okay,nobody make a sound.." The lights went off and several people screamed..Amber felt bad for them,they would most likely be found first. "Lumos!"...