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  1. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Yeah sorry, I've been having major writers block for a while and i cant think of anything to post besides four liners at best. I apologize
  2. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Mason is about to either get his ass whooped or whoop sum ass. Either way, can we pray for everyones ears?
  3. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    I bet Vira want sum of dat Sweet alcohol Mason has...
  4. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Alcohol has now been added
  5. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    ...wait, one second Im adding alcohol into the mix.
  6. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    I can foresee a fight happening.
  7. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Why is my smol bean getting shipped I approve of this however
  8. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    My post is now up friendo, also i will have some fun with the ability to imitate voices. Thats no problem with me
  9. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Well here are the songs or this And now the third option, this ones more about the happy beat then the lyrics
  10. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Btw am i allowed to link the songs i found, i have two good ones and im having trouble picking only one.
  11. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    I woke up at around 9 since i took a nap, then i just did some online stuff and three hours later here i am Reminds me that i now have to find a song for Mason, btw i posted Masons reply to Garret if you wanna check it out
  12. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    The fun has just begun for me
  13. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    My only talent is that i can stay up for more then 15 hours at a time without feeling like shit
  14. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    I come back from walking my doggo and i see music... I like music Explain the music
  15. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    This is a very advanced magic spell It takes years to perfect
  16. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Thanks, this really does seem like a fun rp
  17. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Mason: Im you, but better
  18. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Ffffffff Ok post edited, my brain has just started up now.
  19. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Ah shit, if they are i can go edit the the reply real quick, my bad.
  20. Hetrix

    Fantasy The Dark World (ooc)

    Sorry for the late post, i fell asleep. Well Masons reply is up and anyone at the Tavern can go tell him to shut up now :D