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  1. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    Me too :0
  2. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    "To force (someone) to join a ship lacking a full crew by drugging them or using other underhand means." Sometimes used less literally, in more of a "kidnapped into working for someone" way, but here Byrne is actually forcing Bryant to work for him on a boat and I thought the parallel was too...
  3. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    From what I understand, Dart & Arushin are plotting to kill some councilors & Bryant got shanghaied into working for Byrne.
  4. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    I'll be travelling until the 7th, so I'm not sure how much writing I'll get in. Not for lack of trying though :P
  5. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

  6. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    Feel free to write me into whatever's going on, I'll play along. @Flowiest alternatively, you can write up a scene with Yvette (the orange teacher) if you want, but if that's not on your priority plate I'll just shuffle off somewhere more happening.
  7. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    I like the "vote if X" system here
  8. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    Hi! :D
  9. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    1:28 pm for me
  10. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    Or does everyone just stay up super late? lmao, Occam's Razor
  11. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    Howdy :D Quick question-- what are everyone's time zones? 'Cause I'm on the east coast and the RP seems the busiest when it's like... four in the morning over here. Or is it? I need to look at the time stamps...
  12. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    Woah, this thread exists. 'Sup
  13. Dentedhelm


    @Dentedhelm, Please use this thread for the results/story posts of your main thread so that you can have them all in one place. Please feel free to edit this message out if you'd like.
  14. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (detailed/casual)

    PM me when you can, I'm ready to roll.
  15. Dentedhelm

    Fantasy The spectrum RP (OPEN) (detailed/casual)

    I'm game, if you've got the space.