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  1. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Good (adj)- What Lily is. Defined.
  2. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Obviously I'm going to fill out the position of VP, so you've got that covered. And not long after, of course, I will be the P. By way of totally-not-evil means. Because Lily is good.
  3. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Sleeping totally killed me. I adjust myself a lot, and every time I did the pain would remind me of my impudence. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so of course we're on better terms now. But my little brother can't do anything in the kitchen. He's hopeless. He's pretty good at warming...
  4. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    @amdreams I had burns for over a week. Burns in horrible, unspeakable places. @ComradeSenpai Oh, absolutely. You can't flip with a baking spatula. I just realized that I have like 5 baking spatulas and a single flippin' spatula. I need more flippin' spatulas.
  5. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    I once spilled a pot of boiling water on myself. Super fun times.
  6. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    If Vash wants pie then he'll get pie. Maybe I'll feed him poison flavor.
  7. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    I have time management problems on occasion. That arise from getting too wrapped up in... some new thing I discovered. We can't all be Frieza, sadly.
  8. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Oh, we weren't far at all. Just in a quieter place- perhaps in an alcove. There's your word for the day, though. Alcove. It's a good word, and descriptive. Needs to see more use.
  9. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Please. Plant Princess. Or, if you would like, 'Grand Poobah of the Benevolent Society of Angry Misanthropes'. Or Schoonie 'U-Turn' Singleton. Or Alison. I answer to all of the above.
  10. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    My apologies for being somewhat flaky, I've been occupied considerably by the worries and workload presented by the dreaded finals week. Much to do, little time you know.
  11. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    This movie is perfect for my needs and I am a genius for thinking of it. I can only hope that none of you figure out that it was in fact I who spent a whole year of high school wearing black everything and talking about the meaninglessness of life. I may or may not still write dark poetry...
  12. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    It will take all of my wit and wisdom, but yes. I shall best this quest. By which I mean that I can do that.
  13. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    The perfume is more a chemical endeavor. Its smell alters brain chemistry in ways that a doctor could probably explain (But I can't because I'm less a doctor and more a freelance photographer) that make it so that the positive feelings one has towards the Alraune carrying the odor become...
  14. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Sounds fast, fun, and probably healthy. Just remember to finish your pie. All of it.
  15. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Well I wanted truth or dare and pillow fights and nail polishing, but it seems that those may take up some time. How about we say we did those things and move on to a movie or something to end the night with? Quick, fun, easy. I think a scary one would be nice, but most scary movies are not...
  16. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    @amdreams Nope, all Alraune look female. Not a guy in the bunch. That way, you don't get that problem. It's pretty convenient when you're feeding your nectar to friends- it doesn't have to get weird. Anyways, being plants who can regenerate easily, Alraune don't feel nearly as much pain as...
  17. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Sounds fine to me, but Candyland is more than luck you know. Candyland is life.
  18. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Well honestly you're doing a pretty good job acting the part already. Obviously there would be a level of intense devotion and loyalty as well as a certain infatuation. Obsessive tendencies aren't usually part of the package, but they can be depending on the type of person being dealt with...
  19. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    Sure, that's fine. Taking advantage of people when they are the most vulnerable is Lily's thing. A particularly prideful person, no matter how much they like Lily to begin with, wouldn't become completely enthralled after a single night. They'd probably still like her a lot more in the morning...
  20. CSA

    Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

    In Lily's world, there are two types of people. Those who are simply born superior, and those who must follow they of superiority. Lily, being one of the few (Perhaps the last) Alraune left, is thus entitled to own whomsoever she pleases and to do with her pets as she sees fit. It's basic...