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  1. ValkyrieRose

    Curse of Strahd

    Finding nothing , Remielle sighs, looking around. "Anyone find nothing? Should we proceed forward from this point?"
  2. ValkyrieRose

    Curse of Strahd

    Having no magic sensed on her Radar, Remielle nods her agreement. To go alone was suicide. That said, she begins upturning the rug on the floor and looking around, trying to make sure this room was compltly free of secrets before being willing to move on.
  3. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    as you walk through the gates, the mist seems to thicken instantly, and the doors shut behind you. it feels as if the light level has dropped significantly, going from a bright noon ray to a dim overcast @WlfSamurai out of the corner of your eye, you are quick to spot something that was...
  4. ValkyrieRose

    Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

    Melody thinks about it. "Bath first, then a massage after sounds absolutely wonderful!" She says with a smile
  5. ValkyrieRose

    Curse of Strahd

    Stepping inside the room, the chill in the air keeps Remielle alert. She was happy to help of course, but every second she was in here, she was cheating death. The group she was with was obviously new to Barovia and thus still had their will to fight. In this land, fighting got you killed...
  6. ValkyrieRose

    Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

    Once they reach the bathhouse, Melody looks around. "I'll keep going and enter the bathhouse so i don't look suspicious. I'll leave mystery with you all. If you need me, signal to him. I'll see it through my senses." She says. Above them, the hawk cries out. "Likewise, if i learn something ill...
  7. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    The road through the Svallich woods is uneventful, if not dark. At some times it is difficult to see the road ahead of you. Sometimes it is the black pools of water, but more often than not , it is the fault of the fog. You could swear that, as you go further in, the accursed mist grows thicker...
  8. ValkyrieRose

    Curse of Strahd

    "Just because something hasn't been found doesn't mean it doesn't exist." Remielle said, looking down at the floor. "It's always possible that there is a tunnel or the like that just happens to run under the place, or perhaps there is indeed a hidden way. Either way if it;s to save a life, we...
  9. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    The night comes quitly, but surely, the cgold the man provided the bartender being more than enough to ensure that your night is delightful and your worries erased. Such is the quality of the evening. Morning comes, and Barovia beckons. The morning sun peaks out into your windows, and the...
  10. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    The letter reads as follows. ( Or what I, as dm , can translate it as cuz jesus the handwriting on this letter is awful) Hail to thee of might and valor, I, a faithful servant of Barovia, send honor to thee. We plead for thy desperately needed assistance. The love of my life, Ireena, has...
  11. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    The man doesn't seem to give anything away by his stance or facial expressions at everyone's reactions, they seemed to be rather within expectations. He reaches into the fold of his sleeve, and produces a letter, sealed with a crest you do not recognize, and sets it down on the table. "I have...
  12. ValkyrieRose

    Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

    "That's all we need to know. Thank you for your time." Melody says, looking at everyone. "Let's go. I hope your men turn out okay." She says to the pirate, and walks out. She orders Mystery to fly above the location descriped to him and closes her eyes, viewing a bird's eye view from her hawk
  13. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    As you all talk amongst yourself, a man dressed in colorful clothing comes in, though his countence seem a bit grim. He looks like what you would imagine a gypsy to look like. He seems to scan the tavern, until his eyes locks with you all. He goes over to the bartender. "A round for these...
  14. ValkyrieRose

    Curse of Strahd

    Remielle nods to Arala. "Remielle Bluewind. Was a singer till I wound up here." She says, looking at everyone, then to the house, listening. "If you guys have a friend down there we probably shouldn't leave him in there." She agrees. The blue haired beauty moves her hair out of her eyes...
  15. ValkyrieRose

    Nightmares of Barovia

    It is another day, completing another adventure in another city. The name of it escapes you, but that's the life you've chosen. No reason to remember a city that you'll soon be passing anyway. A musty tavern in on a cold night is the only place to be in such places. Outside , fog envolpes the...
  16. ValkyrieRose

    Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

    Though her medicinal ability to is limited, Melody does her best to stabilize the dying pirates, taking some alcohol to disinfect the sounds.
  17. ValkyrieRose

    Curse of Strahd

    The sound of shouting draws Remielle in. She was very curious, but also tense. This area was well known to be haunted, and Remi had traveled around Barovia long enough to know that you took allegations like that seriously. There should be no reason for anyone to go in there. Not for any savory...
  18. ValkyrieRose

    Into The Open Sky IC

    Luna frowns, looking at the ensuing chaos. Even with the tides looking grim, with one of her crew almost going down seemingly, she had faith that, with everyone here, they could turn the tides around. Luna had given a shield generator she had made to the captain to help her ally out, so that...
  19. ValkyrieRose

    Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

    Melody withdraws, having seeing no reason to pursue. Even after all of this, it was better to live and live.
  20. ValkyrieRose

    Into The Open Sky IC

    Luna looks up from her woodworking, nodding as she puts her tools away, gathering a few things should the worst arise. "Lead the way"