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  1. Vanira

    The Elinor Campaign - A tale of cursed items and politics - Closed

    @Idea told me about this! If you have room for another player I'd love to join!
  2. Vanira

    Victorian D&D 5e Adventure!

    I'm interested in joining! Sounds like a cool concept. Would love to hear more of the setting to help with character creation like hannah said.
  3. Vanira

    [Closed] Curse of Strahd

    Would be interested in joining!
  4. Vanira

    Darkspirit Deathchase

    Undecided between rogue, fighter and warlock so I am willing to see what everyone chooses first.
  5. Vanira

    Darkspirit Deathchase

    Sounds interesting. Would love to be a part of this if you get enough people
  6. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    I slept on the idea and looked up some homebrew content during my breaks at work. In the end, I think I will stick with fiend as I like the flavor of corruption. I think recently watching The Witch might have made me privy to choosing it but I digress. At least I finally decided on one!
  7. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    A quick write up based off a half-cooked concept and a tire brain: They worked at a tavern with their best friend. When an obsessed suitor killed her friend thinking they were getting in the way she left town. Not having to survive a day in her life in the wilderness it wasn’t going well for...
  8. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    Honestly stuck between fiend and the great old one. The character concept I had in mind could go either way: pact with fiend for revenge or GOO for survival. The Undying sounds cool but looking at its features leave much to be desired. She wouldn't be an evil alignment. More neutral with the big...
  9. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    I was thinking of playing a warlock. One of the few classes I never got a chance to play yet.
  10. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    If you ever need help with character stuff I am always willing to help out! Helped a lot of my friends make builds based off of what they wanted to play before. Don't need to do the most optimized thing is my motto.
  11. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    3 it is then! I don't think capping at 20 would be horrible. Gives magic items that boost score some benefits. I do like the idea of uncapping the point buys cap of 8 and 15 however.
  12. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    For those with unfamiliarity with the dice system starting at 1 might be best. Most people assume a level one start anyways. However, anything 1 - 3 would be a good starting point.
  13. Vanira

    D&D 5e, an interest check.

    Would love the opportunity to join you on an adventure. I know 5e fairly well. Might make a mistake here or there but over all I'm well versed enough to help out any newbies as well. For play styles, I've always been the storyteller type of player. I have been guilty of putting maybe a little...
  14. Vanira

    The Twisting Halls (DND 5e)

    Looks interesting. I'd be willing to give it a shot. I understand most of 5e, may make some mistakes. Never did a D&D play by post though if that'll be an issue. Fast learner though!
  15. Vanira

    KINGDOM DEATH: Dark Fantasy Survival Horror

    Sounds like my cup of tea. Never did dice but willing to learn.