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  1. cdi

    Advice/Help Is it okay to roleplay as characters that aren't a part of your race/ethnic group?

    Sadly, yes, and it gets annoying when you actually do know what what you're talking about and they don't. Fr'ex: Years ago an ST who wanted Basque characters for a game set in Spain called bullshit when I informed him that my surname is Basque EDIT: it got really funny when he tried to...
  2. cdi

    Experiences Funny Player screw ups

    I'm running an Exalted comedy game for Sidereal players who say "Yes" when I ask if their Sidereal really wants to do that while staying in character. The most recent example was when the guy playing the Endings Sid said "Yes" to confirm his PCs "Raise the Pussiant Sanctum" while the...
  3. cdi

    Viewpoint At what point did you implement an age requirement?

    As an ST, I can't say I've ever had a set rule other than "age-appropriate behavior is required for both the player and the character".