Search results for query: *

  1. Seiden

    Character sheet sins

    I don't even see why "sexuality" should be separated from "personality". Like, are you also going to ask for my character's favourite colour or favourite meal? That's no different than asking for their favourite gender to have sex with. And, as you said, it means every character is set to one...
  2. Seiden

    Creating an Avatar

    I guess OP is looking for a generator to get a custom picture without drawing ? If so, what kind of picture are you looking for? What kind of era? What kind of style? For the typical manga style, there are several generators on Rinmaru. For some other anime/semi-real/cartoon styles you can...
  3. Seiden

    Good Character Storage

    If you are looking for an external website, I may recommend ToyHouse. But you would have to find an invitation code somewhere... I may ask for one for you, though. This website allows you to build profile pages for your characters, with basic informations, backstories, personality, image...
  4. Seiden

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    Yes, these people that cannot understand a character is a character! They are so annoying! I do not want to always play nice and gentle characters, sometimes I play a rude person who may talk to others in an unpleasant way, but damn, this is a roleplay. I am not insulting you, it is a...
  5. Seiden

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    I do not remember whether I answered to this yet or not. Then I will answer (again?) - non-documented mental illnesses. They usually are just special snowflake characters played by special snowflake players who most likely self-diagnosed themselves lots of diseases they do not have. They just...
  6. Seiden

    Being mean to your OC

    A character of mine always loses his jobs and his friends, he is now totally alone with no job and barely enough money to buy food and pay his rent. But I love him, I promise. And, yes, of course, I killed several of my characters. One of them was beaten to death by another of my characters...
  7. Seiden

    Special Snowflakes

    A few years ago every roleplay forum had this one character : I am [insertJapaneseNameHere], I am really cold and emotionless. At the age of 14, I suddenly decided to kill my parents for no reason at all, because I am so dark and so mean. I never smile, never talk and I am totally unable to...
  8. Seiden

    Whats your favorite style of RP? :)

    I feel like I am the only one around here that is not into romance.... I prefer to develop characters and personalities, and develop their interactions and relationships in a free and natural way, without commanding them to fall in love. As I love characters more than stories themselves, I...
  9. Seiden

    First Person Perspective-why no one uses it?

    I usually use the person my partner uses (because it would be weird to match 3rd person posts and 1st person posts in the same roleplay). I love both, as they induce a different approach of the roleplay and the character. I do not see anything wrong with 1st person... It can be pretty...
  10. Seiden

    Understanding your partners

    Oh, this sounds interesting. Thanks for explaining :)
  11. Seiden

    Understanding your partners

    This is because I use my dictionary a lot, and when there are several words for what I want, I usually pick the one that is said to be "formal" or "outdated". So I may be using many words that are not commonly used. I have no idea which word to pick anyway. I am not a writer at all, not even...
  12. Seiden

    Understanding your partners

    omg. Please let me give it a try. So let's imagine the roleplay is started for a while already and the characters already are sitting at a table, otherwise it would be way too easy.
  13. Seiden

    Judging by grammar

    It does not make them bad roleplayers, but it makes their posts difficult to understand. I do not want to read a post 3 times to understand it. Then I will not roleplay with someone that cannot write properly.
  14. Seiden

    Understanding your partners

    I hate this "if you don't do 32 paragraphs you are a shitty roleplayer" thing. I roleplay for the roleplay, aka for the characters and the stories, and not to write and read novels. I highly prefers someone that writes short replies but let me react to all of their actions and speeches, rather...
  15. Seiden

    Where do you find your character images?

    I mostly love to roleplay my own OCs, then they have their own art (ordered on some sim-games with game currency). For random roleplays that does not involve my OCs, I usually look on Google, DeviantArt and Zerochan. But I don't like doing this because I know lots of artists hate it when we...
  16. Seiden

    Gender Preferences and Pairing preferences

    I usually play male characters. Maybe because I'm a male myself, but I'm not much comfortable playing females, even if I have no problem roleplay characters that are far from what I am and has nothing to do with my own personality.... Maybe it's mostly because I don't even try to play females, I...
  17. Seiden

    Inspirations: How do you create your characters?

    Actually, I have no inspiration. I just think of what or who he is supposed to be depending of the roleplay universe (like, am I playing a policeman, a student, a warrior, a random citizen?) and the rest comes automatically. I get a first vibe of the character, his personality, his...
  18. Seiden

    Getting attached to your RP characters

    I created some roleplay characters in 2009. I stopped playing them in 2011 because the support went down. You have no idea how much I loved them....and how much I still love them. They were not the character created for a one-shot, I've did tons of roleplay with them, and with lots of...
  19. Seiden

    Cirque D'horloges: La Guerre des Mains

    Hello As a French, I just had to randomly pop-up to correct a few things :P If you want to be grammatically correct, it would be "Minute Noire" and "Heure Blanche". Never trust Google Translate :P
  20. Seiden

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    1. The bad boy who is so broken inside, so cold and heartless and can't experience love or even sympathy at all. Yet fall in love in 3 minutes with the first whinny girl he meet. 2. The roleplayer that want to show what a talented poet they are by writing useless supposedly "pretty" things...