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  1. Foolish Ghoul

    Experiences The big list of overdone RP cliches.

    Plot twist: God was never here.
  2. Foolish Ghoul

    Experiences The big list of overdone RP cliches.

    Bonus: Instead of coming up with cool or thoughtful names for futuristic technology, throw 'exo', 'plasma', 'neo', or a Greek Letter in front of the name of the none futuristic thing that your tech is based off of.
  3. Foolish Ghoul

    Experiences The big list of overdone RP cliches.

    1) Making a character who's insane or crazy so you can evade having to develop a unique or interesting personality. 2) People who mistake unique or interesting back stories with tragedy. Just because their parents died, doesn't make your character exciting or enticing.