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  1. Alorie

    How to Make a More Appealing Roleplay

    I'm new here, but my personal opinion is that detail is good, but if you're presenting two pages of description right off the bat it might be intimidating. If you presented shorter summaries to sort of "hook" people's interest, you could provide them with more details afterward, couldn't you? I...
  2. Alorie

    Favourite Role Play Genres?

    Fantasy is my favorite genre, but I'll play almost any if it seems to have a compelling premise. I started with D&D, and I loved Lord of the Rings as a kid. D&D gets a lot of criticism for being all about combat, but I've personally never played it that way, and it still has my favorite setting.
  3. Alorie

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    I mostly do table-top role-playing with a small group of close friends. Years ago, I used to do some email games that were advertised in a long-dead site that was known as I thought it would be nice to find something online again, because as much as I enjoy my table-top group, we only...