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  1. .quietus

    Experiences What influenced your writing style?

    My partners, tbh. I'm a patchwork of everyone I've ever loved writing with
  2. .quietus

    Experiences Whats something you regret doing in a RP, or an embarrassing RP moment?

    Sooo many failures early in my roleplay career, lol. In the beginning, my biggest shortcoming was not being able to establish my own boundaries all that well, meaning that I would get into RP situations I didn't like and would wind up ghosting those people. Some of them were great writers, too...
  3. .quietus

    Experiences I just really want to talk to other people who have full-time jobs that limit the amount of time they can spend on their roleplaying writing hobbies

    It works just fine for me! Mainly because I am a fast writer. Sure, I may not have the time to write ten posts a day anymore, but two, three or sometimes four are doable. Even on a bad day (read: the sky is falling on my head at work, which happens more often now that we're dealing with the...
  4. .quietus

    Viewpoint What are some common RP traits that you don't understand the appeal of?

    Oh, a lot of things. People have already mentioned school settings, K-pop and elaborate coding, so I'll add fandom roleplays. Yeah, yeah, I get it, some folk just really want to self-insert into someone who dates their favorite character and more power to them, but it's not my cup of tea. (And...
  5. .quietus

    Other deleted

    It seems kind of weird to obsess over length like that, tbh. Long posts =/= good posts. To judge if it's good enough, ask yourself: "Is everything that needs to be there present?" Conversely, you can also ask yourself: "Am I just describing random stuff in order to increase the word count?" Good...
  6. .quietus

    Experiences Let's spread some Roleplay positivity!

    In January 2023, I hit a really hard roleplaying patch, to the point that I started wondering if I even wanted to keep this hobby anymore. It was hard, because writing was the thing I defaulted to whenever I had some time on my hands for literal years, and finding that I've stopped enjoying it...
  7. .quietus

    Other So you found a great RP partner...A question about infamous/famous RPers

    I do complain about bad experiences sometimes, but I never include the actual usernames. With me, it's always more of a 'you won't believe what this rando did/said,' and we laugh and move on. Tbh, if someone dropped an actual username without me specifically asking for it, I'd see it as tacky...
  8. .quietus

    Viewpoint What's the scariest part about finding roleplay partners?

    My biggest fear is them basically just being... weird about things. Too many people have acted too friendly without really building any rapport with me, and literally all of those people ended up being way too obsessed with me. To be clear, I'm not complaining about people being genuinely...
  9. .quietus

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Me: *has a fxf interest check, marked as such in the title* *only talks about fxf in it* *couldn't be clearer that she's ONLY after lesbian romance* Someone: "Hello, I've seen your interest check! :] Wanna write mxm with me?" Well golly gee, what do you think, friendo? For a hobby that is...
  10. .quietus

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    People not cooperating when it comes to fleshing out plots. It has happened to me a couple of times that I posted a prompt, a potential partner messaged me, saying nothing but "hey, this is a cool idea" and when I asked them for more thoughts on the matter, they were like: "Lmfao, I'm not going...
  11. .quietus

    Advice/Help How do you store and keep track of your OCs?

    I don't. I just forget the ones that aren't memorable enough. Only my best creations get to survive -- just like the RP gods intended!
  12. .quietus

    Experiences RPing + procrastination

    I only struggled with that when I had mental health issues. I used to have pretty bad anxiety, so I would get caught up in thinking my posts were not good enough and that I had to try harder to keep my partners' interests alive. Nowadays, though? Nah. When I don't want to write a post, there's...
  13. .quietus

    Advice/Help Purple prose: How to avoid/spot it?

    Yes, and for me, these basic guidelines would be 'read it and see if it sounds good.' Whenever I write a sentence with a weird structure, it's often caused by editing it back and forth and losing the flow in the process, if that makes sense. Which is why I provided that very advice in my first...
  14. .quietus

    Advice/Help Purple prose: How to avoid/spot it?

    Maybe, but I also think it's not really helpful to act like you can avoid doing x or y, or maybe never use a specific word, and never end up with purple prose as a result. It's just not a question that can be easily answered because it's all so context-dependent. Even the most infamous example...
  15. .quietus

    Advice/Help Purple prose: How to avoid/spot it?

    That's true, but I also think that - aside from extreme cases - purple prose is also a subjective thing. Some might consider a text to be "purple," while that same text would be okay in other people's eyes. I'm not sure if something like that can be quantified.
  16. .quietus

    Advice/Help Purple prose: How to avoid/spot it?

    Read the post. If what you produced doesn't bother you and flows well, it's not purple prose. Noticing purple prose isn't an issue because it's VERY noticeable by definition. It's very annoying to read. To me, purple prose is when I read a sentence and go: "wtf?" in my head.
  17. .quietus

    Advice/Help At what point do you consider an RP dead?

    To add to what @nerdy tangents said, it's also over whenever you feel that it's over. You don't really have to sit and wait for your players if you're unhappy with the pacing. I think that that is the sort of thing that probably should have been worked out before the roleplay itself started, but...
  18. .quietus

    Other What is the number one reason you stop replying to, or stop participating in roleplays?

    Someone else dipping first in some way is a good way to describe it, actually. I just can't keep my interest alive if I feel like I'm the only one tending to the spark, ya know? It just sucks.
  19. .quietus

    Viewpoint What are your "Cardinal Sins" of Writing?

    Mostly, being boring. I can deal with nearly anything else, but when I struggle to get to the end of the first paragraph? Please, end my suffering.