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  1. firestorm

    Fandom Looking for 1x1s

    An oc please
  2. firestorm

    Fandom Fma roleplay

    I had this old rp with Roy mustang and an alternate universe with chimeras forced to fight. He gets a new recruit that during his first mission is turned into a chimera. I wanted to do this prompt again.
  3. firestorm

    Fandom Looking for 1x1s

    Hello I wouldn't mind playing the lover
  4. firestorm

    Fandom looking for a long term rp partner

    Hey I would be ok with an rp but dont have any ideas please dm me.
  5. firestorm

    Fandom death note

    Would you like me to pm you
  6. firestorm

    Fandom death note

  7. firestorm

    Multiple Settings The Last samarui rp

  8. firestorm

    Multiple Settings The Last samarui rp

    Sad plot A man stands over a hill waiting for the battle to end so he could depend on the land. The samauri fought as the guns took them down one by one. Two brothers face off as the battle progressed their swords at ready. In harmony they fought equal in strength. But out numbered greatly...
  9. firestorm

    Multiple Settings Mafia

    Please tell me
  10. firestorm

    Multiple Settings Mafia

    Alright shoot
  11. firestorm

    Multiple Settings Mafia

  12. firestorm

    Multiple Settings Mafia

    Yeah I have a general idea if you want send me a pm
  13. firestorm

    Multiple Settings Mafia

    Mafia in the 40s or 50s but I don't mind playing the game.
  14. firestorm

    Multiple Settings Mafia

    Would anyone want to Rp a mafia rp
  15. firestorm

    Fandom Bnha

    Alright pm me please
  16. firestorm

    Fandom Bnha

    Would anyone want to rp an Au of this world with me.
  17. firestorm

    Realistic or Modern Omegaverse Roleplay anyone? [MxM]

    I love this idea and read things all the time like this. Would you maybe want to partner with me.
  18. firestorm

    Fandom Fandom Roleplays (Contain Doubled up OCs x Canon)

    Go ahead and message me as I would love to know who you would like me to rp.
  19. firestorm

    Fandom Fandom Roleplays (Contain Doubled up OCs x Canon)

    Hi I would love to to bnha
  20. firestorm

    Fantasy I don't even know... -.-;

    Ok send me a pm then