Search results for query: *

  1. Parzival

    Multiple Settings Partner search!

    Hi! Absolutely am! Shoot me a PM if you can!
  2. Parzival

    Multiple Settings Partner search!

    Hey. Shoot me a PM and I’ll be happy to discuss some with you.
  3. Parzival

    Multiple Settings Partner search!

  4. Parzival

    Fandom Overwatch?

    Hi there! If you're interested, I'd be happy to discuss some ideas for plot #2 with you?
  5. Parzival

    Multiple Settings Partner search!

    Hey, everybody! Uh, I'm very new here and I'm very unsure as to what exactly I need to be doing, so I threw myself into the deep end. Learn to swim or drown, right? Anyway, there are more important matters to discuss. For instance: the purpose of this site. I'm a very open guy, so, as long as...