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  1. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    Feel free to message me
  2. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    Feel free to message me and we will discuss plot ideas.
  3. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    I did not get your message but I would enjoy seeing a sample of your writing style. That helps me understand how much attention and detail to put into my posts and it gives me ideas for plots.
  4. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    I prefer to build my plot with my roleplaying partner as it makes sure that the plot works for both people involved. I am glad that you have a lot of experience. That is important to me. My main character is always male. I can play female side characters but it is not my favorite thing to do.
  5. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    I also play the male because being a male, I play male rather well that is why I prefer to have a female roleplaying partner. Medieval Fantasies are one of my specialties I prefer slow paced romances because it makes the story all the better when it develops over time.
  6. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    My recent fandom roleplays have been: Fairy Tail, Percy Jackson, RWBY and Ranger's Apprentice. I am sure I have done more but I do not recall them at the moment.   
  7. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplayer Wanted

    Greetings,  I hope this message finds you well. I am a long time Roleplayer. I may have only been on this site for over two years but I have been roleplaying since December of 2008. Over the years, I have developed a number of skills when it comes to roleplaying and have been in quite a few...
  8. ModernRanger

    Resident evil

    That would be great and don't worry about response time.
  9. ModernRanger

    Female Roleplay Partner Wanted

    Greetings,  I hope this message finds you well. I am a long time Roleplayer. I may have only been on this site for over two years but I have been roleplaying since December of 2008. Over the years, I have developed a number of skills when it comes to roleplaying and have been in quite a few...
  10. ModernRanger

    Looking for an Awesome Partner! (OPEN)

  11. ModernRanger

    Resident evil

    I am very familiar with the Resident Evil games. I have mastered the 4th game and the 6th game.  I am also familiar with the history from Resident Evil Zero to Resident Evil Six. I am also quite proficient in playing Soldier type characters. So, playing a BSAA Agent would be easy for me.
  12. ModernRanger

    Shadows of Slumber [Female Partner wanted]

    Well, you got one thing right off the bat. I was hoping for someone wanting to be brand new to The Dream Walkers. That gives me a chance to explain their significance and way of life throughout the story. My character and his team would make it their mission to retrieve her once they knew...
  13. ModernRanger

    Shadows of Slumber [Female Partner wanted]

    Well, I've had this idea for awhile. I discussed ideas for it with my sister who is a huge reader and we came up with ideas that I think are awesome but I don't want them to just be ideas anymore. I want to bring them to life. So, I went to the one place where stories take on a life of their...
  14. ModernRanger

    Shadows of Slumber [Female Partner wanted]

    This is a Roleplay I'd like to do from an idea I had. The story is set in the modern world. In this world, the negative emotions that people give off when they have bad dreams create real life monsters called "Nightmares". Nightmares are invisible to the average person unless the person...
  15. ModernRanger

    Detective vs Agent

    Hang on with the character sheets I am creating the roleplay in the modern genre. Click this link to sign up for the roleplay
  16. ModernRanger

    Detective vs Agent

    I am in the process of remaking this roleplay. It'll take a moment but once I finish it'll make better sense.There we goI am moving this roleplay to the Modern genre area.
  17. ModernRanger

    Detective vs Agent

    Well, I have to see if this roleplay will be one on one or multiple roleplayers.
  18. ModernRanger

    Detective vs Agent

    I have no problem with that. In fact, I had thought that perhaps if the Agent were to be a female character that there could be a forbidden romance that occurs between her and the detective.
  19. ModernRanger

    Detective vs Agent

    The Secret War You are lead into a small, dimly lit room. In the room sits a single man behind a table. The man, his face shadowed by the single light that hung above his head. He sat flipping through the pages in a single file folder. As you walk in, he slowly looks up, after a few moments...