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  1. Miss J

    Romance Please

    If you're up for it, we can definitely fit in all four of those. Mind sending me a PM?
  2. Miss J

    Romance Please

    Doubling up and working with both of these pairings works for me. Mind sending me a PM? Cool. Could you please send me a PM? I'm too new to send them yet.
  3. Miss J

    Romance Please

    Awesome. Is there anything particular you're wanting to do? The ones I think would be most fun to double up with are road trip, band, and celebrity x fan. Do you have a preference from those three?
  4. Miss J

    Romance Please

    Awesome! Mind PMing me about your idea?
  5. Miss J

    Romance Please

    Greetings. Miss J here. So, I'm new here and in need of some roleplay partners. I generally write about two to five paragraphs per post. At this time, I'm only seeking MxF pairings. Since I've been playing so many male characters lately, I prefer to play females. I'm happy to double up though...