Search results for query: *

  1. Eexyin

    I need to express my creativity. (1x1 Partner Search)

    Hullo! I'd be interested to RP with you. The second plot seems intriguing; I'm wondering, could we maybe do that in a dystopian AU in the post apocalyptic genre? Please PM me if you'd also be interested to RP with me- I'm sure we can work something out! ^^ (I'm also terribly awkward, but I...
  2. Eexyin

    Fandom Harry Potter? [ ❤ ]

    Hullo! Would you have space for one more rp in this magical fandom? All of these plots are really really intriguing and I'd love to find out more about them (especially the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw one!)~
  3. Eexyin

    looks like we're going on a partner quest.

    Hey-o! I'd be interested in a Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent plsplsplspls:P, or a His Dark Materials RP - maybe we could also come up with an original one, who knows? xD This is, of course, if you're still open for another RP partner. if you are, could you msg me first, please? my...
  4. Eexyin

    Hello, minion! [Detailed]

    Thanks! I'll be sending a PM then.
  5. Eexyin

    Hello, minion! [Detailed]

    Hello! Are you perhaps open for one more roleplaying partner? ^^ I would be interested in maybe doing a mix of mythology and fantasy or something with crime, if you are. If this is no longer open, I understand.
  6. Eexyin

    Looking for Partners!! (Always Looking)

    Hello! I'd be interested in the first plot, The Secret Identy, and I'd like to give it a try, if you're open for it! However, would you mind sending the PM? My first posts tend to be awkward...
  7. Eexyin

    Fandom rps (always open!)

    @AriaPsiana389 :D Fellow Maximum Ride fan; it's so good to find someone who read that series!
  8. Eexyin

    Fandom rps (always open!)

    Maximum Ride? :o *gasp* Awesome series!! Wanna do an RP with that?
  9. Eexyin

    Long-Term Partner Search [ Always Open ]

    Hello! Fantasy and Prince/Princess x Knight/Bodyguard sound good.
  10. Eexyin

    Searching for a patient, long-time RP partner and friend.

    Hello! I'm also looking for a long-term rp partner/friend and my introductions/starting conversations are a bit awkward. Would you like to start RPing over PMs and see how it goes?