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  1. J0ker

    Help me take my mind off of things.m

    What do you call an Eskimo who's a Peeping Tom? Itookalook.
  2. J0ker

    Your Chill Music

    'tis a joke.
  3. J0ker

    Humor RpNation's Joke Thread

    Wouldn't he be an Afronaut? YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  4. J0ker

    Beloved childhood show/icon?

    Drake and Josh anyone?
  5. J0ker

    Your Chill Music

    Chill? Hahaha! If I can't headbang to it, it's crap. \m/
  6. J0ker

    religion vs me

    You know this reminds me of a story a few weeks back. I was watching the Republican debate and when it came time to discuss the environment, it was Rand Paul's turn. Rand made a comment about how the Earth was 4.5 billion years old and we need to make use of all its sources of energy and blah...
  7. J0ker

    How to Make Friends?

    Not sure what else I can add since you've gotten quite a lot of replies, but I will say that you have to take friendships gradually. As extroverted as I may seem at times, I also am very, very cautious when it comes to my inner circle. When you meet someone you like, don't immediately label them...
  8. J0ker

    Edgelord 2015

    I just bought a Rand Paul tee shirt 8)
  9. J0ker

    Edgelord 2015

    Swearing has become completely habitual for me. I don't even think about peppering my speech with delicious profanities, it just happens now. Bitches.
  10. J0ker

    What is your Biggest Pet Peeve and How Big is it?

    You know what really rustles the old jimmies? People who demand that something be banned because they don't like it. It happens on both sides of the political aisle - the Confederate flag, gay marriage, guns, sexy women in video games, crude jokes, and so on. You know what? Screw your...
  11. J0ker

    Am I a Bad Person?

    No, but you're mind kind of person, hahaha!
  12. J0ker

    What do people do that bothers you most on rp sites?

    Poor grammar. If I have to correct your grammar and/or syntax, we're gonna tussle.
  13. J0ker


    "Joker asked the Pittsburgh Steelers to put him in his grave, so that they could let him down one more time."
  14. J0ker

    Chitchat Any sports fans?

    What are your teams?
  15. J0ker

    Chitchat Any sports fans?

    That must suck. Did you pick a side?
  16. J0ker

    Chitchat Any sports fans?

    True. I personally think if it's Belicheck though, he needs to be kicked out for good. If it's just an accident, we can all move on.
  17. J0ker

    Chitchat Any sports fans?

    Any thoughts on DeflateGate?
  18. J0ker

    Opinion I carry a sword, is that odd?

    The training-to-be-a-cop side of me was pretty wary at first, but as long as your intent isn't to cause trouble and you're not breaking the law, I'd say it's fine. This is a free nation, you're allowed to be weird.
  19. J0ker

    [Joke] Common rules of RPing

    Fuckin' hell man. I've never finished one. Not one.