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  1. ValkyrieRose

    Other Who do you main in Overwatch and why?

    I like moira in most comps, because of her good support, decent ult, and her good safety ability. Definatly hood for any team
  2. ValkyrieRose

    Other Game that you tried the hardest to beat/complete and why

    *obligatory Dark Souls comment here*
  3. ValkyrieRose

    Other Anyone remember AOL RP Chatrooms?

    oh boy. AOL was the beginning of my net career and the source of deep cringe to me, i dont mind sharing either. Alright so im about... 7 (ish) when AOL stuff is around. The age of dial ups and being unable to call anyone because the phone lines were down. Was doing light rps (back then it was...
  4. ValkyrieRose

    Fate Grand Order

    wait, did this come out in english o.o? i've been wanting to paly this
  5. ValkyrieRose

    (League of Legends) Scary Tales of being rekt.

    ...i laughed at that more than i should have
  6. ValkyrieRose

    (League of Legends) Scary Tales of being rekt.

    As a warwick that connected 2 minutes in game, i was forced to watch in terror as our Swain went 0-5 before i even hit level 5 then watched as the culprit, the oriana, proceeded to move bot and give the enemy Draven kills to begin HIS snowball... meanwhile J4 counter jungles and just proceeds...
  7. ValkyrieRose

    Anyone catching the Smite world championship?

    Hiya hiya, I DOUBT anyone is one the stream and here at the same time, but if anyone happens to be watching the MOBA Smite World Champion ship, say so on here and we can chat it out while the games going! Right now game 1 between Cog Red and DID... next match coming up! EditL I say that...
  8. ValkyrieRose

    Any League fans out there?

    i can't Thresh to save my life. The hook always seems to heatseek minions regardless of where i throw it and by complete contrast im a pretty decent Blitzcrank .... just what o earth... i don't even....
  9. ValkyrieRose

    Any League fans out there?

    ah, i can understand that, I started playing lol cuz my fiancee was. We don't play together too uc anymore but I've gotten pretty attached to mobas like LOL and Smite. I'm only S2 cuz im still too afraid to solo queue t.t Iften i get annoyed at how i do so i play whatever' sout, like Snowdown or...
  10. ValkyrieRose

    Any League fans out there?

    i started out with supp myself and its what I play when I go ranked. Im moeratly okay with most of the supports (janna, leona), but the ace in the whole is Sona to bad, i play NA D:
  11. ValkyrieRose

    Any League fans out there?

    And thus the LOL -DOTA war takes its battle onto RPN I watch I prefer Cloud 9 or Tsm as far as teams go. I like their junglers especially, it taught me a lot about the role itself Last match i watched wasa the snowdown one. That was pretty funny. BTW if anyone wants to add mer, my summoner...