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  1. Spoiled Bread

    Food If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

    Fried rice. Filling, delicious, easy to make and you can add anything to it.
  2. Spoiled Bread

    Other Do you miss rp friends?

    I missed the first group of people I RP with. I'm probably the only one left who still doing this.
  3. Spoiled Bread

    Other What do you do when you're feeling down?

    Treat myself with some sweet drink in a place I rarely visit so I can focus on contemplation. That or sleep so I dont make some dumb decisions.
  4. Spoiled Bread

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    It depicts me in my natural habitat so well
  5. Spoiled Bread

    Other What are your guys’ favourite animal?

    Orca. Cute, clever and deadly.
  6. Spoiled Bread

    Food In your opinion, what's the worst ice cream flavor you ever tried?

    Coconut, that one time its very bland and taste like wet paper
  7. Spoiled Bread

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Becauss i am a spoiled brat #1000th post yay
  8. Spoiled Bread

    Other What's your favorite mythical/fantasy creature, and why?

    I like deep sea gigantic creatures. Something like leviathan and kraken really tick my fear and fascination of the deep.
  9. Spoiled Bread

    Other Gender and strength of impact

    Is there difference between prejudice and expectation?
  10. Spoiled Bread

    Other Gender and strength of impact

    I agree that differences are wonderful. I don't think a world free of gender prejudice would be any better, we will simply shift the center of our expectation to something else, like race, ethnic, wealth, intelligent, body size and many more. Prejudices, stereotypes, expectations are born from...
  11. Spoiled Bread

    Other Little Things of Self-Discovery

    - I can always crack my right knuckle, even after I done it a dozen time in a row. - When I ride a motorbike, I occasionally let out sounds effects. Like I would say "whooosh" when doing a sharp turn or "brbrbrbrbbrb" when going on uneven road. - I have relatively silent footsteps, my friend...
  12. Spoiled Bread

    Other Gender and strength of impact

    Yes. 'Mother Earth' for example, gives a stronger vibe of life-supporting figure compared to 'Father Earth'. This depends more on the executions really. I prefer something more neutral, just for convenience. Here in Indonesia some words do have a bit of difference related to gender (ex...
  13. Spoiled Bread

    Other What Color of Mana Best Suits You? (Quizz)

    1.What is... (to you) 1.1Victory? Victory is when I was able to best my opponent in a fair competition. 1.2Justice? A sense of morality, what is right and what is wrong. 1.3War? Two or more sides duking it out, but with a much bigger scale. 1.4Progress? When you get closer to your goal...
  14. Spoiled Bread

    Other What are you afraid of? (Animals)

    Cockroaches is my nemesis. Whenever I spot one I will go grab a broom and smash them mercilessly, then I flush them into the toilet or throw them to the backyard so the ants can feast on them. Also, dog, got some bad experiences with them when I was little and it still lingers until now. When a...
  15. Spoiled Bread

    Other You are given a Game Studio...

    Life Simulator You can try as many possibility with a real life scenario in this game. Start broke but end up as billionaire? Yes. Saving your love partner from a mafia's grasp? Yes. Managing an abandoned farm till it get super succesful? Yes. Or you can play sandbox mode and start punching...
  16. Spoiled Bread

    Other Why? Just why?

    I think It's just fanservice. People can't really do it in real life without consequence (whether it's lawsuit or embarassment). So they romanticise it in fiction. Just like shooting people, you can't do it in real life, so to the shooting game you go. Also, I recommend Chihayafuru. It's a nice...
  17. Spoiled Bread

    Other whats the best anime you've ever watched?

    For me, it's Made in Abyss, Shirobako and... Kobayashi no Maid Dragon.
  18. Spoiled Bread

    Other Newbie is a nice source if you want to learn more. No need to rush through it though. Just learn at your own pace.