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  1. Lunette

    Favorite/Main Champ in League of Legends?

    I've been gaming for a while but Im not gonna barg about the years. Anyhow Top - Vlad/Irelia Mid - Ahri/Malz Jungle - Lee Bot Supp - Blitz/Lulu Adc - Cait/Jinx
  2. Lunette

    Other I R L ? ( In Real Life)

    Irl huh. That's interesting. Might as well put myself here as well tho it's not that much of a pretty story to begin with. My name's Valentin. I'm male if anyone hasn't already seen my profile. My birthday is on the 26th of July and I'm born in the 1998. My origins are Bulgarian but last past...
  3. Lunette

    Anyone Play LoL or Wow?

    I dis-agree with HoTs being better than LoL. It's a matter of taste really. I play LoL in general, but I've been abscent from it for a while and I'll proo--bably coming back online at the start of the summer vacation. EUW player tho.