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  1. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    My bad. There's one up there now :)
  2. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Cool! I'm pretty sure that's all the slots filled now, so we can move conversation over to the ooc thread. We don't want to clog the interest checks, after all. Once all the characters are complete we can start in IC, which I'll start making now
  3. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    @PixieDust is working on a character for that slot, which they'll have up tomorrow. While technically character sheets aren't accepted until they're complete, Pixie already has a few characters involved and I trust their character sheet will be accepted.
  4. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    You'll have to ask @Maree about that. They've volunteered for the remaining two spots already, but they may be open to compromise. If not, I'll be happy to hand off my Gryffindor first year spot :)
  5. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    I agree. It shouldn't take all too long - worst comes to worst I'll put the remaining two as NPCs until someone steps in
  6. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Yeah, it was kind of surprising. There were a few applications for Slytherin characters that were turned down, though, so it's actually had more applications then any of the other houses
  7. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Sounds good. Then we'll just be looking for one sixth year and one first
  8. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Just four characters until we're set to go - so if you haven't got yours up, best get cracking!
  9. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    If you're interested, then sounds good :)
  10. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Hopefully it won't come to that, but thank you for the offer :)
  11. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    I would much prefer to start with all the roles filled, but if it takes a while to get the sixth years then I'm happy to let the first years go ahead. If you would like to make a sixth year character, it would be appreciated, but don't worry if you're not gonna enjoy it
  12. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Oh yes - I apologise, I forgot to get back to you. I'll DM you about it
  13. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Sure thing :)
  14. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    @explosiveKitten I'm perfectly fine with reserving the position of seeker (come year two at least) for Johanna, though the eventual Gryffindor Quidditch captain may have to have a dice based try out if any other characters want it :)
  15. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Yep. At this rate, it should be in the next few days
  16. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    rac@PixieDust @Rayvian Both of your characters look great, and are being added to the roster :)
  17. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Sounds good to me
  18. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    For some base information about timetables and staff, go here. If there's anything you think I should add, just tell me :)
  19. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    Looks good - I'll add you to the roster. Things should get going within the next few days
  20. promqueen

    Fandom Hogwarts RP - OCs and Next Gen

    That would be great, if you're interested. The sixth year characters will be largely off in their own subplot until the final few years, aside from a few brushes with the first years.