Search results for query: *

  1. Latorrex

    Fantasy Tales of Arcadia

    Ratatoskr... Ymir sends his regards
  2. Latorrex

    Fantasy Tales of Arcadia

    I have interest in this RP
  3. Latorrex

    Fantasy Divinity: The Shade of Rot

    I would be interested in this RP
  4. Latorrex

    Futuristic Space Exploration

    Is this going to be utilizing star trek lore?
  5. Latorrex

    Futuristic Vanguard Omega Strike Force

    Vanguards, blade of the federation and the will of the law, are the heavy hand that stands at the forefront of anarchy to ensure that the wicked do not escape the grasp of the just. And by any means necessary to the point of self sacrifice; that they lay down their very lives in that pursuit...
  6. Latorrex

    Futuristic Templar

    So am i approved to join?
  7. Latorrex

    Futuristic Templar

    Glory and sacrifice brother. For thou hath my blade.
  8. Latorrex

    Futuristic Our Decimated Galaxy (Interest chest)

    I would be very much interested in joining this RP
  9. Latorrex

    Fantasy Tales of Novora (Advanced-casual, make your own race)

    All. Around. The house.
  10. Latorrex

    Fantasy Magic Upon Us

    Hey I'm really sorry. I didn't expect to be so busy. Was hanging up pictures all round the house. Will post cs tomorrow. I'm going to be a martial artist with force magic named Ro Shan Again greatly sorry
  11. Latorrex

    Fantasy Tales of Novora (Advanced-casual, make your own race)

    I'm really sorry. Was. Hanging picture around the house today
  12. Latorrex

    Fantasy The Draconis Kingdoms

  13. Latorrex

    Fantasy The Draconis Kingdoms

    which realm is the story taking place in?
  14. Latorrex

    Fantasy Magic Upon Us

    Ska boopy I'd be interested :)
  15. Latorrex

    Fantasy Tales of Novora (Advanced-casual, make your own race)

    cool beans. I'd like to join
  16. Latorrex

    Fantasy The Bastard Of Hardholme

    Pip pup sign me up
  17. Latorrex

    Fantasy Dragon Age: Thaigs of the Deep (Casual/Detailed)

    A cold crash came upon a patrol scouting the mountain ridges of eastern Orlais where the chevaliers of the royal court had made preparations to set up camp. volleys of arrows rained upon them before they could get their bearing. "DARKSPAAAAAAAAAAWM!!!!!" yelled the commander of the 200 man...
  18. Latorrex

    Fantasy Rise of the ancients

  19. Latorrex

    Fantasy Dark (low/medium) fantasy mercenary group

    Kk I'm on regularly and my schedule's free so hit me up
  20. Latorrex

    Fantasy Dark (low/medium) fantasy mercenary group

    May I be honorable in joining this band of mercs?