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  1. scaryyangell

    Fantasy A Short Time to Live
    Index: Character

    Name Sappho Arella - "Gorgeous name, right?" Nickname Sapph - "Apparently the "o" is too hard for some people to say." Gender Agender (they/them) - "What's between my legs? Why do you need to know? Creep." Age 17 - "Old enough to know things my parents hope I've never heard of." Year Junior...
  2. scaryyangell

    Fantasy A Short Time to Live
    Index: Character

    Hi please put character info under the character category cool? cool. you can add in stuff like relationships and nicknames later if you want since you dont really know other characters yet. Name: Nickname: Age: Year (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior - or teacher/staff if not student)...
  3. scaryyangell

    Fantasy A Short Time to Live
    Index: Intro Post

    Somewhere in an unknown city lies a place of magik. A secluded area made for those born into families of wizards, fae, and other magikal beings. It's hard for a being to live a peaceful life outside of the city. Most of the Magiks have lived in the city and known each other for ever, while some...
  4. scaryyangell

    Realistic or Modern Modern day high school

    Name: Jace Roams Age:  16 Appearance: Sexuality:  Super duper gay Likes: +Girls +Drawing +Video Games +Folk Punk Music +Talking Dislikes: -Assholes -Perverted Boys -Boys in general -Math -Quiet People Backstory (optional):  Jace is...
  5. scaryyangell

    Fantasy New Spark

    June sat the the shore of a small stream that ran through the forest. She was resting her feet in the water, letting the coldness of the water relax her. Cyrus was pawing at the moving water, thinking he'd catch some if he tried hard enough. June giggled at him and picked him up to pet him. She...
  6. scaryyangell

    Fantasy Paw Print Hotel| Open

    Nick was shocked at the amount of animals at the hotel. She never had a problem with animals - just never seen them in a place like this. It was almost shocking how clean the hotel was otherwise. She ignored most of the Hostess' ramblings, thinking it was some joke that wasn't very well thought...
  7. scaryyangell

    Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

    "More excited for the adventure than saving this place, to be completely honest with you," she says with a small laugh. "I never really felt at home here, even though I've never been anywhere else. I've begun wondering if maybe the Earth is inhabitable again. I'm so sick of being up in the...
  8. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    Henry had been walking around the cafe doing barely anything. There were very few customers, and they all seemed fairly entertained by the waiters or their friends. Out of the corner of her eye, Henry spots Tris, setting two nearly identical roses in a vase on a table. For a moment, Henry froze...
  9. scaryyangell

    Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

    June watched everyone show off their powers, kinda nervous about being forced to demonstrate hers. Everyone has such big, magical abilities. All she had was a certain charm for getting people to do what she wanted. She thought about it for a while, not sure what she'd do once it was her turn...
  10. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    "Okay, whatever you want. At least let me fetch the mops for you?" she says it like a question, but goes to get them before he could answer. She walks back in with a broom and mop, along with a bucket of soapy water. "Here ya' go!" she says happily before leaving again. @WelshJaffaCake
  11. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    Henry smiled. She always loved getting in on Aiden's plans. She straightened herself out and made her way to the kitchen. She walked in, closing the door behind her. "Ah, excuse me, Jenkins? It's me, Henry. I just wanted to say sorry on behalf of, well, everyone," she tries to sound as sincere...
  12. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    Henry thought for a moment. "I don't know. Might be hard, but I think I'm the only one here who hasn't fought him this morning," she laughed. "I guess I'll give it a go. Just gotta think of some reason to go back there. Maybe I should pull the whole 'apologizing on behalf of my coworkers'...
  13. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    Henry stood wide eyes on the stage, amazed at what was already happening so early in the morning. She saw the chef mumble something under his breath. She hopped off the stage and went to greet Aiden. "He better be one hell of a chef if he's going to be acting like that," she jokes. While she...
  14. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    "Oh, Tris? Well, gosh, she's beautiful. I guess I don't know her that well, though," she says. She noticed that Tris smiled and waved at her, causing Henry's smile to grow even bigger. "I would love to get to know her, though," Henry says, her cheeks a bit red. "I've only talked to her a few...
  15. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    "Sounds great! I guess we've only got one customer at the moment. Usually business would be a lot more packed. It's a bit eerie how quiet it is in here," she says with a small laugh. Henry saw Tris walk across the room and smiled. She was wearing a very cute costume today that really caught...
  16. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    "Okay, have fun!" she says, oblivious to what is actually going on. The instrumentals are still playing as Hope asks her question. "Oh, I actually didn't have any planned," she admits. "I was planning on taking some suggestions from the audience once it fills up a bit more. Unless you have...
  17. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    "Well, Hope, I'm very excited to be performing with you," she smiles at the girl before taking her place back on the stage. She does a few warm ups before hearing the chef shouted something from the kitchen, but Henry ignored it, as she very rarely went back to the kitchen. Henry stops her warm...
  18. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    Henry nodded. "Yes, it really is a very nice song," she says, smiling at Massun. She hums along quietly hoping it won't annoy anyone. She begins to hear someone strumming a guitar. It was out of place, in Henry's opinion, since there was another song playing at the same time, but it still...
  19. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    "Oh, no. That would be Miss Maggie. She is a very very busy woman, though. It would be best not to bother her if it's not needed," Henry giggles. "Ah, here we are! If you need any help, I'm sure anyone would be happy to help!" she leaves quickly without another word. She sees Magge placing the...
  20. scaryyangell

    Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

    Henry sighed, making sure she had no flyaway hairs for when the customers finally got there. She was wearing a black sequin cocktail dress, one of her favorite outfits for performing. With a Marilyn Monroe style beauty mark drawn above her lip, she was ready for whatever was going to happen...