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  1. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos jerked back into consciousness, blood spurting from his left shoulder. Awareness took some moments to return as his mind continued to play through what happened. It came through more as images than motion. His movement down the hall froze when he saw the thing. The spirit stood in...
  2. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos had begun to shrug in something like agreement to Laine's comment when he was shoved out of the path of an axe. He cursed forcefully and pulled Laine behind something. He hadn't noticed anything ahead of him and that worried him. "Thanks for the save, Laine" he gingerly felt at where the...
  3. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos was paying close attention to the state of Laine's mind. She was mildly concerning him. None of this concern would ever surface in his voice though. He chuckled. "Would you believe me if I told you I became a spy? Put my otherwise troublemaking skills to use." This was only a partial...
  4. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos bowed with an extravagant, if not sardonic, flourish. "As always, I'm forever in your debt." though his face was hidden save his eyes, his sly grin was audible. Before he straightened to follow, he caught a glimpse of Lance's bloodied arm. Levos raised a brow at the strange man. "Had...
  5. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos gestured with his hands for quiet. This wasn't the best place for all that noise. He made his way over to the corner Laine had gone around. He peered around and saw Laine sitting with a look of intense concentration. He saw the sword too. "Making any progress?" he wasnt sure what sort...
  6. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    "What are we doing?" Levos glanced around. "Well, I'm assuming the end goal is to get out of this place. Short term goal is to live ling enough to do that." He watched Laine for a moment, seeing how she held the sword. It seemed apparent that she's probably stronger than she used to be...
  7. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos pulled down his bandana and spat blood, turning away so as to not show off his scarred face. Upon hearing his nickname, he glanced back, pulling up his face covering again. "We already planning to kill eachother?" He asked, rubbing his cheek. He began searching the guard, finding two...
  8. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos' attempt at crippling the creature didn't earn him much more than a kick to the face that sent him sprawling. At least he still had the knife. The thing began raging, seeing it's buddy's arm flung at it's feet and it was all he had to scramble clear without getting cut up. That's when...
  9. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    When Laine fell down next to him, Levos took a moment to look her up and down to assure himself she wasn't hurt. Satisfied, he slapped her hand. "I'm up, stay out of reach of those blades." He rolled and flipped into a crouch then took off in the direction of the knife. Reaching it, he...
  10. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    In one motion, Levos slipped from the shadows as the hefty knife flew from his hands. The moment he let the blade free, he knew it wasn't true. He had miss-judged the weight of the knife and it went off course. Instead of the throat as he had intended, the large dagger sank hilt-deep into the...
  11. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos had tensed as soon as he heard the approaching foot falls. A cruel looking knife appeared in his hand from his clothing, clearly originally owned by one of the guards. He nodded at Laine and sank into the shadows and watched.
  12. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    That sounded almost promising. "We don't have too much time to just stand and talk right now," he glanced around, listening. "Long story short, we practically grew up together. Best of times. But I... left. After a while." His voice was colored but a tinge of guilt. He stepped a little...
  13. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Kid? He was older than her by a- No. He'd deal with that later. Also, he's kind of short. Anyway, Laine is here and that isn't good. He took a few steps closer. "Come on, Laine. It's me, Levos- Levvy?- Nothing?" Levos dropped his hands down and stared up at the damp ceiling for a...
  14. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Staying almost totally concealed, Levos crept down the corridor, furtively glancing here and there. The stolen knife firmly grasped in his right hand gave him a degree of confidence, but that didn't stop him from nearly bolting at any noises. He did his best not to look into any of the cells...
  15. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos decided that the guard was a suitable distance away and chuckled to himself. He whipped out a knife he had stolen from the guard on the way back to his cell. From a previous trip, they had learned to avoid carrying keys within his reach, but they obviously weren't smart enough to keep a...
  16. hootie0813

    Fantasy The Experiments (Open)

    Levos was slung into his cell, body slamming into the back wall. Any pain that resulted was largely unnoticed. His whole body was already in agony after this latest round of experiments. "School girls can hit harder than that, you slimy, underbite!" he hollered at the beast that had dragged...
  17. hootie0813

    Fantasy Re:Collection

    Simon allowed himself to be dragged along, not that he had much of a choice at first. This girl Tair had caught him off guard in a number of ways. He managed to keep on his feet during the rush through the trees at least, and kept an eye on the tracks. Tair's attitude about their shared...
  18. hootie0813

    Fantasy Re:Collection

    This girl was interesting, that's for sure. A hint of a smile played across his face, the expression feeling somewhat dusty, like something left on a shelf for too long without use. The hand shake hit Simon like a sack of bricks. For a split second, Simon saw a man looking him dead in the...
  19. hootie0813

    Fantasy Re:Collection

    Simon squinted harder when Tair came nearer. The hair really got to him. His expression blanked over momentarily when she took the grass from between his teeth. "Your his.. master?" He took a moment to consider this, another piece of grass absentmindedly set between his teeth, "Tubby?" He...
  20. hootie0813

    Fantasy Re:Collection

    Simon held back a wince. This girl was incredibly colorful, and not just her hair. Her voice and her personality, from this moment of introduction alone positively radiated colors. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. Without thinking, he plucked a blade of grass and began chewing on the end...