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  1. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    "Do you know the name of the guard who brought me in?" She still was talking slowly, making sure to form her words carefully. "I'd like to thank him." A partial truth; she actually didn't want to keep on referring to him as 'the guard' in her head.
  2. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    "How interesting," Glacia said, head lolling to the side. Her voice came out a little too flat. She cleared her throat and asked, "You're close to the guards?" It was merely a guess; the guard knew the doctor by name. It didn't have much basis, but what could she say? She had a very long day.
  3. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    "Glacia," she replied. No need to lie, though she wouldn't give her family name unless pressed for it. But would remarking on the oddness of Fyre's surname be considered gauche? "Does your family have a history of doctorates?" she asked, carefully, phrasing the question so it...
  4. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia sighed and closed her eyes, leaning her head back. "Doctor Fyre, is that your name?" she asked, with just a smudge of contempt in her voice, though it was masked with innocent curiosity. She privately wondered what the guard's 'business' was, though she was in no place to ask. She was a...
  5. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max Max relaxed at the innocuous explanation--only soup cans, though, that was an unorthodox way of opening them. Still, her mouth watered at them, and a newfound hunger sprung to life in her stomach as her mouth watered. She took the can of peaches, more than happy, and wrenched it open, via...
  6. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia drew her nails across the skin of her arms before replying. "My magic," she started slowly, trying to figure out how to explain her condition while giving the minimal amount of information, "can become, hm, out of control--as in, violent--in times of..." here she gestured vaguely...
  7. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia woke up with a groan, twisting under the blanket. She raised her hands to her temples, wincing. There was a moment of disorientation where she didn't know where she was or even how she might have gotten here, then she recalled the events of the past hours. She decided it would be best if...
  8. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia did what anyone would do if they were hit on the head with a ball of ice--she dropped to the floor, head lolling and eyes closed, dead to the world. She probably would wake with a massive headache and, if her trend of luck continued, a concussion. But the red tint faded from her skin...
  9. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max Max turned over Felis's observations in her head. All good points. This entire situation made her uneasy, though that would be an extremely redundant statement. She picked up a nail clipper, turning it over in her hands, and opened her mouth to reply when the bang resounded, making her jolt...
  10. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    ...Close enough. Glacia gave a single, jerky nod. "You..." She swallowed. It felt as if her muscles had turned to stone. Beads of sweat had gathered on her forehead. Could she ask him to restrain her? No, chances were her...other self could snap them. Even if he could take her somewhere else...
  11. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia’s eyes rolled toward the guard. “No,” she whispered hoarsely. "I need—I need—" Oxygen was suddenly hard for her and she shook her head to respond. No, she was not okay. "I am—danger." Horrible sentence structure, but hopefully the guard would understand. She thrust the degloved hand...
  12. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max Max ran her fingers through strands of her hair and gnawed on her bottom lip as she listened to Nova, nodding along. Seemed like they all had similar experiences. What she said made sense, to Max's ears anyway. She shook her head and turned her attention toward inspected the shelves, running...
  13. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia stayed frozen, wearing an expression of panic. Her mouth opened and shut at the chaos, a pain consuming her sternum. She stumbled, stiffened, tears pricking her eyes. Her eyes were slowly turning red, and her skin was taking a similar tint. Glacia was trapped in too much of a panic to...
  14. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max Max wordlessly accepted Petr’s orders. It felt good to have a goal, even if it was short-term one. She poked at the shelves contents absentmindedly, only giving a faint wrinkle of the nose when they disintegrated under her touch. Looked like humanity’s mad urge to inject foods with...
  15. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Fear started to climb up Glacia’s throat as she was still halfway in. She could not calm herself, and her nails dug into degloved palm. Her chest started to rise and fall rapidly. Her mind froze and spun simultaneously, thoughts too fast to make any sense of and too slow to formulate any kind of...
  16. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max “Phobe,” Max repeated, committing the name to memory. Confused. A woman, young. American. Athletic, maybe. Max didn’t think she knew the man very well. “Petr.” Confident, maybe overconfident. Disdainful of them, English as a secondary language, younger than any of the four them. She noted...
  17. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia gnawed on her lip, clearly going through some sort of internal conflict. “Alright,” she responded in a semi-hushed voice, pulling her coat around her tighter, deciding to uncharacteristically trust the guard. She pushed open the door, getting a rush of warm air onto her face. She cast a...
  18. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max Max had lingered for a moment after Nova had turned and left, brow furrowed. Then, she’d made to follow her companion when the shout had torn through the emptied store. Max turned back around so fast her head spun for a second. It was in a language she didn’t understand. Her spine prickled...
  19. crescendi

    Fantasy Larea,the country of everything (this is my first thread,excuse me if its horrible)

    Glacia stopped. She eyed the guard, noticing his nervousness. “Is there something you would like to tell me?” she asked coyly, picking up on the guard’s nervousness and jumping the worst conclusions. She was personally exhausted in more ways than one, in both physically and of conflict. She...
  20. crescendi

    Futuristic The World After

    Max Max exhaled, long and slow. This was getting frustrating, but the evasive answer only made her more curious. There wasn't enough evidence to create even a concrete theory, but the risk of getting said evidence didn't escape her. She was determined, not stupid, after all. She pursed her lips...