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  1. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Smirking ever so slightly, Stratton gave Anro an appreciative nod. "Smart man, smarter than you look actually." He glanced at the real Aidan standing besides him, transforming his smirk into a foreboding grin. Just then the shutters went down and the lights were flicked off. "I'll be in touch,"...
  2. Viper Actual

    Fandom Mass Effect C-Sec (Closed)

    Then... Painted in the standard grey and blue of the Alliance, the armored personnel carrier rumbled to a halt on the desolate dirt road. Karl gave it a quick glance before returning his focus to the five Batarians standing with their hands cuffed behind their backs and their foreheads pressed...
  3. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Aidan observed Anro with a blank expression for a few moments. In response to Adira's message he clicked his tongue loudly, face cracking up into a smile as his focus turned towards the small man standing next to him. "Well," he began. "This is awkward." Shrugging slightly, Aidan continued...
  4. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Aidan's attempt to maintain a cool and relaxed visage was temporarily disrupted as several people either nearly collided with him or attempted to seize his drink. One of the latter- a stocky Human whom have had one too many drinks- learned the hard way why that was a dumb idea as Aidan...
  5. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Star Wars: The Last Platoon - IC

    The Sovereign Will - Fireteam Besh, crew quarters "Roger," replied Gharnes, switching position with Castus to put himself next to the door. Behind him Dolkes nodded and rubbed his helmet as he moved to the opposite side of the door. "Stacking up," the penal trooper said. As he took up his own...
  6. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Nodding, Stratton glanced over towards Kestrel. "Of course, I wasn't being sarcastic. She's a fine ship and, well, truth to be told there are far worse and far more cramped vessels out there." In response to the supersoldier's final statement Stratton chuckled and nodded towards her with a hint...
  7. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Halo: Operation SHATTERED SKY (IC - CLOSED)

    Verent City - Enroute to Discovery Complex, Initiative Street There was a slight delay before a response chimed through, which in turn was preceded by brief static; "Minuteman, Darkstar. Roger wilco, diverting UCAV-assets to your pos. Stand by, over." While Darkstar rallied air support for...
  8. Viper Actual

    Fantasy (Closed) Retough IC

    Maldorn feigned a look of surprise, which was followed by looking over both of his shoulders in a bewildered fashion. "Who? Me? Nooo..." The hermit smiled as he produced an apple from his satchel. "I am, however, running out of apples..." Nodding towards the lead guard, Maldorn offered the man...
  9. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Star Wars: The Last Platoon - IC

    The Sovereign Will - Fireteam Besh, crew quarters Dolkes and Gharnes- both dressed in formerly standard-issue Imperial Army fatigues and armor looked at Row first but were quick to nod and comply once Castus gave the order to form up on the armory door. Both troopers had opted to don their...
  10. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Ashes and Steel - IC

    Nodding, Freja listened to her two teammates while waiting on a response from both Polaris and Manticore. When no response came except for the sound of explosions caused by the airstrike- followed by the quick notice from Polaris- Freja and, by extent, Valkyrie turned towards Kaminari and...
  11. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    "Well," said Stratton, entering the living room. "It's got personality." His face cracked open into a smile. "I kinda like her; rough around the edges, a bit weathered but still more than enough- like me." Upon entering he gave Chante a friendly and gentle pat on one of her shoulder pads before...
  12. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Ashes and Steel - IC

    Then, CBS Frost Freja listened closely, glancing briefly towards one of her fellow pilots as he spoke up. When Trumbull responded- informing them all that none other than Freja herself would be in command- she nodded before quickly following up with yet another curt nod aimed towards her...
  13. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Ashes and Steel - IC

    Then, CBS Frost Dressed in her reinforced piloting fatigues, Freja Sigurdsdotter observed her CO and her handler with an icy stare fitting of her northern heritage. As Trumbull spoke she silently shifted her attention to the others assembled inside the room. It wasn't a large squad- she had...
  14. Viper Actual

    Futuristic ・OUROBOROS.

    As the woman in front of him carefully removes his baseball cap from his head Fred resists his instinct to grab onto one of her wrists and shoving her off to create some space around him. He was not an ill-tempered man- far from it- but whatever mind games he was currently witnessing he wanted...
  15. Viper Actual

    Futuristic ・OUROBOROS.

    In the minutes that followed since he sat down several additional members of the team had manifested themselves. Feeling quite content where he sat, Fred silently watched and observed the growing number of people. When Brazzos appeared Fred was happily surprised, with the man being the only one...
  16. Viper Actual

    Multiple Settings SCP: The New New Dawn

    Glancing up from the folder upon reading the fine print regarding the MTF-squad's single instance of communication, Linda eyeballed the Foundation contact with narrowed eyes and a slightly raised right eyebrow. Her focus shifted only momentarily to greet the latecomer with a curt nod before she...
  17. Viper Actual

    Futuristic Star Wars: The Last Platoon - IC

    Horvaan - Upper atmosphere (Collab with @Kloudy) Edging somewhere between ‘curious amalgamation’ and ‘dangerous scrap-heap’, Dharka’s personal ship was now descending upon Horvaan. Belayed twice - first by a New Republic patrol and second by a short trip back to the Vigilant Keeper to...
  18. Viper Actual

    Futuristic ・OUROBOROS.

    Fred lowered his extended after it was left hanging by the man dressed in a tracksuit- who was busy speaking with Tasya, in what sounded like it could either be Russian or Serbian. His eyes darted between the two until Tasya ushered him in, to which he responded by lowering his hand and offering...
  19. Viper Actual

    Fantasy (Closed) Retough IC

    (Collab between me and @Pipsqueak) Then... Still standing in the cold, Maldorn cleared his throat and nodded towards Nyota. “Well, let’s not keep our spectators waiting, dear.” He offered her a faint smile. “I’d rather not spend more time out here than we need to.” Maldorn then shrugged...
  20. Viper Actual

    Futuristic ・OUROBOROS.

    Keeping focus while at the heart of chaos took practice. Sure, some would argue that such mental fortitude only appeared as a natural ability. Some would perhaps argue it was an art form, something that could be mastered. Controlled. Fredrik Nordkvist disagreed with both of those statements...