Search results for query: *

  1. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    She looked back to see that they were and were whispering to each other. She turned back around to Jorah. "I dont know, anywhere I guess." She said. "Though no place is safe I imagine"
  2. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    Suddenly being picked up and wooshed away like that made her really dizzy. She stumbled a bit as she tried to regain her composure. "Well... I'll be right back." She waved a bit and went inside quickly to pack her things. She greeted all the others as she went and they asked why she was in such...
  3. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "Um... well..." She tried to think about it. She could go back to the temple, but she knew Jorah would bring a lot of attention and trouble with the hunters and the like. This was new to her and she didn't know what action would be right. Would she be a bad person if she left with them? "I'll...
  4. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "Come...with you?" she asked in confusion. "I can't just... leave... can I? The others in the Temple would worry." She said. She liked being in the town, in the was safe there as far as she knew, and leaving would mean danger. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I can't leave."
  5. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "My names not girl, it's Ciara." She said. She didn't like people calling her girl. "And I promise I won't touch you on purpose." She wouldn't purposely touch him, hearing him say what might happen if they do, she would make sure she wouldn't. Though she couldn't really control what may happen...
  6. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    She winced a bit as she felt the pain but it was gone. She looked down at the weird mark on her hand. she tried wiping it off to see if it was just ink but it was just a part of her skin now. She looked up as she heard another voice walking up and saw Tomix standing there. She knew what his kind...
  7. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    She stayed still as he messed with her hair and ears, and then holding her hand. Hearing him say that she was peculiar didn't make sense to her. As far as she knew she was a normal human, a normal girl. The only thing different about her was that she had healing abilities, like most of the other...
  8. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    Ciara stood there a bit confused. "Master?" She voiced. "Protector? I... I dont know if i need one? This is so sudden!" She shook her head a bit. "Curse or not, that is too much. I cant possibly accept it, Im not anyone special that needs protecting!"
  9. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "Oh." She breathed a sigh of relief. "That was a great riddle too! Really had me thinking about it. Haha I might try it on the other girls to see if they can solve it too." she chuckled at the idea of it. She knew most of them might, but it was still something fun to challenge them with. "Oh! I...
  10. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    She blinked in confusion, "Did I... not get it right?" She asked seeing him draw his sword. She gulped a bit as she tried to piece together what had just happened. She took a cautious step back just in case.
  11. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    Ciara closed her eyes as she listened to the riddle. She talked to herself in a way as she tried to figure out what it could be talking about. "Skeleton man with a scythe... a grim reaper in a way..." She said. She tapped her feet on the cobblestones and did a little twirl. "I am the
  12. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "I'm willing to give it a try!" She said enthused, her mind reeling at what kind of riddle it could be. she hoped she would be able to answer it correctly. If the other members of her order had seen her they would probably try to get her to stay in the temple and not go outside anymore. She knew...
  13. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "Not all of us are mean." She softly smiled. She moved her bangs out of her face and she explained. "A lot of us are actually kind. I think being mean is a sign that they're trying to be brave and survive in their own way." She nodded at her... weird explanation that made sense to her. "And what...
  14. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "Well... I'm known for not having a mean bone in my body." That part was true, she rarely got angry at people. Sure she got annoyed, but she would always smile and go off to do her own thing. "Other members of my Order have told me... but I like taking these walks. It helps me relax in a way."...
  15. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    She nearly jumped when she heard the loud thump, and slowly looked up with wide eyes. What she saw in front of her was something she had never seen before, only read about. One of those beasts. He glared at her and growled which made her nervous. She thought maybe he was going to strike at her...
  16. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    "There's nothing there..." She whispered to herself as she closed her eyes and hurried along the path to the temple. They had always told her not to wander out late at night or so early in the morning for she could be easily attacked or kidnapped if no one was around to stop them. But yet she...
  17. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    ((Sorry I had work! >< )) Ciara didn't stray too far away from the familiar area of the town. She kept humming to herself so she wouldn't freak out about being alone. After passing a few drunken people along the way she figured it was time to head back to the temple to see if the others had...
  18. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fantasy Amityville

    The smell of incense filled the room which caused Ciara to stir awake. She sat up from her bed and blinked her eyes awake. Her long grey hair fell in her face as she stood up to get dressed. Ciara picked up her comb and brushed through her hair to get the tangles out. Her room was plain; white...
  19. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fandom X-Men: Age of Apocalypse

    Isabella was scared stiff after seeing the strange man do that to the school. This was her one shot at learning how to control this power of hers and its foundation is crushed. In the frantic scramble of getting out of the way and listening to Leos plans she dropped her dry erase board. She...
  20. TurtlesandMonkeys

    Fandom X-Men: Age of Apocalypse

    She felt someone sitting down next to her and it shook her from her wandering thoughts. She picked up her dry erase board and started writing. 'I'm Isabella. I was just remembering something bad.' She showed it to him and smiled awkwardly. 'I can't speak either... sorry' She added below that.