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  1. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Traveling Spooks

    Axilya's acquaintance had left just before the bickering began within the tavern. Her striking blue eyes landed onto the lizard man and a foolish man who decided to pick a fight with him. Oh, they were targeting the mystics were they? A frown flickered over her features. Before she could raise...
  2. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Traveling Spooks

    Axilya remained in her booth, drinking the ale slowly. She had hardly drank much, as she was getting an uneasy feeling about being in this tavern now. The glances she caught from across the tavern were unsettling. She had been in too many compromising situations to take them as innocent. Though...
  3. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Traveling Spooks

    Axilya took a few small sips of her ale. Her blue eyes scanned the room once again, looking to the joking patrons and listening to their laughter before her eyes settled on where the cloaked woman had gone. The short elf looked the trio over for a moment. One of the men had his hand on the hilt...
  4. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Traveling Spooks

    The streets were calm as of now. The quiet air about made her feel relaxed as she pulled down the hood of her light blue cloak. The cloak itself had natural frost attached to the fibers, creating intricate designs along it. And though she rarely dwelled on her life as a spook, she was coming...
  5. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Crossing his arms over his chest, he waited patiently for the woman to come out of her office. He had been waiting for an hour now as his current foster parents spoke with his 'child' services agent. It was about that time for him to move again, and Ethan decided not to care. He really liked...
  6. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Ethan smirked to the Phoenix that came over. Being a sorcerer, he could play with all the elements when he got strong enough. "Hey," he greeted, about to say something to Aurora before she ran off. He clamped his mouth shut, frowning slightly. "I don't think she likes crowds," Ethan said softly...
  7. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Ethan turned to look at Fade hugging Aurora, brow shooting up. He stayed quiet for a moment, listening as Fade explained what he was doing. Now he was intrigued, if not amused. She didn't seem as bothered by Fade as she did about him. Ethan let a grin spread over his features, obviously not...
  8. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Ethan led them all to the cafeteria, where others had all swarmed for food. "Ethan! Government skipper!" He heard a familiar voice yell out over the crowd before seeing Ben come over to give him a playful shove. Ethan scoffed, "I did nothing of the such!" He laughed, shoving Ben back...
  9. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    As they waited for Fade to get patched up, Ethan had leaned against the door frame. His brown eyes trained on his hands as he easily summoned the black and blue whisps of his black magic (or his sorcery abilities technically) to his hand to form a ball, soon tossing it up and down to occupy...
  10. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Listening to the other, he sighed, worry blatantly obvious on his face. "Alright, c'mon," Ethan turned on his heel and led them down another hall before coming to the nurses door, pushing it open. "Hey, if anyone's picking on you, or pushing you around, for any reason, you can always come to me...
  11. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Ethan was about to answer Della's question before another student had slipped past them and right to Mrs. Cathy. His eyebrows shot up to the sight of the blood. Mrs. Cathy gasped, "oh my, come now, we need to get you there right away!" She said, standing up. Ethan jumped forward, "nah, I'll take...
  12. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    An amused smirk slid onto his features, "manipulation, huh? Sounds sneaky," Ethan purred, shooting the girl a grin as he started to lead Della to the front office. "Oh, uh, t-thanks," Brian said, offering a nervous smile. Ethan chuckled, patting the kid on the back before looking back to...
  13. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    He rose a brow to the girl. "I can help you find out what classes you have. The front office can give you your schedule," Ethan mused before patting Brian on the back in a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you, Della," he shot her a grin, glancing to the awkward little freshman that were standing...
  14. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    As she started to chew him out, Ethan lifted his hands up in surrender. He knew when to back off, usually. But she was giving him a clear 'back off' warning. "I'm sorry," he said, voice genuine. "I'll leave you alone if that's what you want. You just looked lonely," he added the last part softly...
  15. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Noticing the frost on her skin, Ethan rose a brow. But, having gone to this school for four years, you got used to the weird happenings and shook them off as normal. At least he did. When she mentioned her ears, he looked up to them, grin turning into a friendly smile. "I bet they're all...
  16. Sulfurlix

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Ethan may or may not have dozed off behind Zoey after he had done her hair, only cracking his eyes open to a slightly familiar voice. "Hah, not yet." He mused with a smirk, pushing himself off the desk of the class he wasn't even supposed to be in. What was his class again? Oh yeah, he should be...
  17. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Laying the bricks of a Kingdom

    Galenus looked back up when the king addressed him, carefully listening to his words about the Mirodians. Tricky was a challenge, but he had dealt with such while on the council for his birth lands. He looked down to where Aketa was sitting when Perseus told him not to bring her, seeing the look...
  18. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Laying the bricks of a Kingdom

    Aketa listened to her father discuss with a few other bearded men, their voices calm and contained as they always were. When Perseus' voice sounded over everyone, heads turned to fall silent and listen to their king. Galenus, standing still with two other men, and Aketa also turned to listen...
  19. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Turn of the Dark Ages

    The behemoth had settled down, living up to the largest trait one of his kind had: their laziness. Of course this trait only came out when unprovoked, and right now things seemed to start to smooth over. Scylax watched the hydra, who he still towered over, go back into her watery home, knowing...
  20. Sulfurlix

    Fantasy Laying the bricks of a Kingdom

    Aketa and Galenus looked up to where the king's father began to address the council, both listening carefully. Aketa knew her place amongst these people as she was just Galenus's--a renowned council member who could grumble on for days about an issue--daughter and not to speak out of line. She...