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  1. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Remonai; Resurge

    Chron took the back row for this, unable to keep up with blades flashing and tempers flaring. The young man held his cloak tight and tried to keep out of the sight of this Magisteel fellow. Consequently, the woman named Willow was quickly making his list of people to keep away from. These folks...
  2. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Fairy Fast Food

    Second in the store that morning had to duck to get into the doorway. Not a limbo pass this time, just an attempt to keep his antlers free of the door and a short wave to his friend Jack. Almost immediately, he set to work. Holding the broom by the end of the handle, attempting to keep still the...
  3. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Remonai; Resurge

    "K-kill us?," Chron gasped. "I don't want any trouble..." Chron backed up, finding violence where there once was song. Threats clashed with threats, a knife to the throat signaled the change in attitude better than Chron could have thought. He edged around to the side of the gruff-looking man...
  4. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Remonai; Resurge

    Remonai. The Bard spoke the word that was repeated throughout the tome. It meant hope, strife, and giving one's self to something greater. And it meant the world to Chron's friend, to the one who had graced him with this journey; whose name was now a series of disbelieving scratch marks hoping...
  5. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Smoke & Mirrors [Accepting Profiles]

    Prologue: What Was & What Will Be The ornate door swung open for the first time in ages, the chains that once held it closed lazily draped like iron vines. Past the door of iron and gold trim, the lone figure in a foreign uniform joined the crowd in the dusty parlor. Not one among them would...
  6. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Smoke & Mirrors [Accepting Profiles]

    Summer in small town America, a lazy time for students recovering from the strict pace of school. Some find a job at the tiny businesses for some extra cash, others return to the fantasy worlds that will keep them company. In the hot June sun, there is no wrong way to escape the steady march...
  7. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy The Mystic Child - A Tale of Emethia

    "I have had a pleasant time arriving through your kingdom, thank you" Siro responded, gathering his coat around him and taking his cane under his arm. He approached the king and bowed his head in reverence, "I am Siro, from the Soldynes." Siro approached the audience with the king like a...
  8. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy The Mystic Child - A Tale of Emethia

    ((ooc; Sorry! Been doing things for my job! I'll edit this with a post right away.)) "My, my, one would have thought the flier asked for a 'hunt' more than a search, looking at the lot of you," a warm tone and throaty laugh parted the air. Behind the statement was a similarly effortless glide...
  9. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Sound of Silence: A Musical Adventure

    "What interesting Songs...," Devin trailed off, looking over all of the arrivals and their partners. "...Though I am curious why everyone here was selected..." After a brief pause, Devin laughed and corrected himself, "Sorry! Where are my manners? It's nice to meet you all. I'm sure it won't...
  10. SubstituteHero

    Fandom Monster Hunter Radiant Path [MHrp]

    Guild Expansion: Island Hopping Main Objective Establish contact with inhabitants of Aleph Isles and found Guild Hall within their civilization A. Isles SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTime SSSSSSS 5 months Reward ??? z SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSFee SSSSSSSS1,000 z...
  11. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Sound of Silence: A Musical Adventure

    The woman in black welcomed over a familiar face, beckoning in a sweeping gesture towardsMozart. The woman gave a short curtsy to the man, and allowed her eyes to wonder over the song. Holding back a grin, she greeted the Song in kind. With a look of kindness not seen directed towards the...
  12. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Sound of Silence: A Musical Adventure

    THE CITY OF CLASSIC, ROCK - PORTSIDE Behind tussled hair bobbed a blue-green light. Gentle and calming though it was, the two were moving at a hurried pace up and down the dock, eclipsed in all other parts by stacks of boxes and luggage. The tall, somewhat thin man that bore the weight...
  13. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Sound of Silence: A Musical Adventure

    Welcome to Bheesaide Sound of Silence Where on Earth music is full of cultural and personal importance, on Bheesaide it has literal life. Entities known as "songs", given shape in the multiverse, appear in Bheesaide when summoned by powerful individuals called Musicians...
  14. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy From Dust

    In The Beginning There Was But One Voice. The Voice said, Go. I have given you a plane to walk. By your hands, raise life. At once, you were conscious. In all directions stretched a Void. Before you rose dust. Dust that swept the landscape in a grey blanket as far as the eye could see...
  15. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Tales of Thol

    [[ooc// Aww yeh, wall of text has occured.]] "See, some of you have sense," Dropkick pointed out, indicating Yuki and the Orchish samurai. "These fine folks here make some good points! Also, you probably aren't well spoken if you have to introduce yourself as such. What I propose is while the...
  16. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Tales of Thol

    Dropkick stroked his beard in pride. It was fluffy, wasn't it? And they were right, he actually felt a beard despite not having one in real life. Which was odd from the start but could certainly be dangerous as a whole. Why did the game even do this? What was the point of having the players feel...
  17. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Tales of Thol

    "You've gotta be--" a somewhat more regular California-centric American voice grumbled before Dropkick picked up a slightly more annoyed bellowing, boisterous dwarf speech. "Listen, moose, ye ur reactin' tay much. Pit doon th' cartoons a while an' quit freakin' it." The dwarf gave a frustrated...
  18. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Tales of Thol

    "Aye, but they'll slaw ye enouw for thes," the dwarf laughed, switching to a separate ammunition. Sure, the elf was a fast one, but she'd been hit a good buildup of his poison so she should be feeling the effects soon. Maybe not enough to bring her to Dwarf speed, as he prefered for using them...
  19. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Tales of Thol

    [[ooc// Upon request I'm making his text easier. Those of you without dwarven spirit please treat him as a slurring Scotsman regardless.]] "Let's wark at that attitude, lass," the dwarf rumbled, withdrawing his hands and expertly swiping them across his pouch. Surprisingly, his beard was left...
  20. SubstituteHero

    Fantasy Tales of Thol

    "Mebbe it was me 'en," the dwarf challenged, hands proudly folded under his illustrious beard decorated with only the finest gunpowder creations. "Th' wee moose is obvioosly a gutless bairn, he doesnae swatch loch he coods harm anythin'." He strode over to the swordsman kid at dwarven speed...