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  1. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    In the blink of an eye, Stratton's knife pressed to Anro's throat with his hand - clutching his pistol tight - was pushed just out of the way so he couldn't fire on the Waning Stars liaison. Anro let out some mix of a grunt and a squeal, the noise clearly instantly lowering his respect to those...
  2. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Star Wars: The Last Platoon - IC

    Arko was thankful she had a helmet on to hide her rolled eyes. Even disregarding the potential of awakening some partially functioning droid, this ship was a death trap. Jagged metal, loose powered wires, crumbling hull plating; one wrong step and it could be anyone's life. If they lost their...
  3. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Halo: Operation SHATTERED SKY (IC - CLOSED)

    Damnit, Owen's only thought pounded in his skull as the intensity of the fight heightened like wild fire. His volley of red hot lead missed its mark almost completely thanks to the deft speed of the Ghosts and the slow turn of the Sun Devil's cannons. Not to mention, keeping his eyes on the road...
  4. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    The man raised his eyebrows without even a minute change to the rest of his visage. Without taking his eyes off Qyilim, without even blinking, he downed the last of his drink in one gulp and stood from his casual lean on the bar. "I'd never say no to a dance. Samuel Tarum. The pleasure's all...
  5. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Sata, the Armyr harassing Adira, chattered his mandibles to express his distaste for her sudden fondness of Silas. Silas wasn't prepared for Adira to walk up and embrace him, let alone the fact she was speaking some foreign language at an Armyr he'd never met before. However, it didn't take...
  6. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Gang affiliate Aidan Omithir's stroll through the packed party floor was filled with no less than four almost-spills of his fancy cocktail from the crowd's hectic motions, at least two separate attempts to buy the drink off him by soused individuals, and one particularly sticky patch that still...
  7. Solar Daddy

    Fantasy (Closed) Retough IC

    Gurt took another step back from the Syndicate as they passed, his grip on the polearm tightening out of fear. Wexem was filled to the brim with superstitious types; threats and idle imagination would take them far should they choose to wield it against future opponents. Even one of the soldiers...
  8. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Star Wars: The Last Platoon - IC

    "Roger," Hailin scanned the room from their entry point, trying to give a quick sweep before a more in-depth check for any dangers. The initial glance brought up no threats, though Hail did notice the two battle droids seated nearby. Arko furrowed her brow for a moment. They were lifeless, and...
  9. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    With everyone fully gathered and present in the sparse interior of the main room of their new ship, Silas resisted the urge to fidget with the comparatively tight and restricting suit. He hated sleeves, he hated multiple layers, but for now, he needed just make do. First, Silas wanted to...
  10. Solar Daddy

    Fantasy (Closed) Retough IC

    Sargash, the lead soldier, was so unprepared to be accosted by the short orc - let alone an entire group of combat ready, murder-happy vagabonds - he didn't even bring his weapon with him as he stood, Sohrab's blade resting near his throat. Sargash let out a surprised gasp and froze his muscles...
  11. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    "Alright," Silas said, tallying in his mind. "We've got our marching orders. Let's all get our groups organized and try and wrap up our objectives by the weekend. Remember, we still need time to get appropriate attire before the event, unless anyone's somehow come from Tartarus with a tux in...
  12. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Ambiance In the other direction from Team Serpent's activities, Adira and Silas trekked on their own through the dense midday streets of Sine. The duo traveled on the upper promenades of a raised platform which bridged over a wide section of motorway beneath them. The icy rails shook off a thin...
  13. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Star Wars: The Last Platoon - IC

    Hailin knew what they were doing at the Sovereign Will was important, without a doubt, but she was also far from pleased with the current state of her team. Far too much time scouting deserted, shoddy hallways that threatened to give out below them at any moment. She needed to keep close...
  14. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Halo: Operation SHATTERED SKY (IC - CLOSED)

    If Lance Corporal Owen G. Bassett was not Annihilation and Damnation by himself, he sure was while in the seat of the Sun Devil. An itch in his fingers burned hot as the next eager chance to flatten a building - along with Covenant invaders - neared once more. There was almost a rhythmic thump...
  15. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    At first, Sirs'a seemed nearly ready to just walk away from the prospecting buyers until Kestrel made word of the commission. Seemingly, all it took for the lousy salesman to reacquaint himself with his profession was to be reminded of the fact he was, in deed, getting paid to sell things. Most...
  16. Solar Daddy

    Fantasy (Closed) Retough IC

    Lera admired those down below, each fighting with their own peculiar stances, strategies and proficiencies. Many were... unorthodox in her mind, but right now, the realm needed less by-the-book types. Maybe their lack of professional training would even be a boon in times like this. Clearly the...
  17. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Sirs'a only rolled his eyes in response to Kestrel's first comment. "Lady, you're the ones in need of a ship." He shrugged nonchalantly before turning and stepping down the row of ships, seemingly uncaring of Eska's sudden departure from the group. His lack of care for his job was bluntly...
  18. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    Sirs'a Ata'Li'Se gave a glance up with only his eyes a few seconds before the trio arrived, alerted to their presence by the thump of Chante's armor echoing through the halls. The constant whir of machinery made it impossible to hear from further away though. He seemed to ignore Chanterelle's...
  19. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Unlit IC

    For Team Serpent, it seemed pressing to get eyes on the options they had to procure a ship. The standards weren't high, but not just any rust bucket could haul a drive core such as the Ambivalence's in atmosphere. With spaceflight being such an important part of everyday life, most on Silas'...
  20. Solar Daddy

    Futuristic Sixteen Tons

    Ethan let silence fill his end of the line as Frank threw a few words at him over the comms. He knew Control wasn't in a position to idly chat, especially not by encouraging it, so Ethan let the conversation die out shortly after it began mostly to keep from dragging Frank down with him. It was...